====== Christiana Wegener ====== Description [wiki]: Art and document forger Type [ref] : Kine Clan [ref] : Tags [ref]* : West Berlin Image [image] : ic:christiana-wegener.png Christiana is a woman in her forties. She usually goes around with rumpled hair gray, a stuffy jacket, and a perennial smile. Her rather unkempt appearance belies a sharp wit that she applies to her true work: art and document forging. She runs a small antiquities store on a 45 Pariser Str. just off the Ludwigkirchplatz in [[Charlottenburg]]. This store serves both as front for her actual business, and as a way to explain the erratic influx of money: according to her tax forms, Frau Wegener simply happened to sell the beautiful oaken clerk's desk for a ridiculously large sum of money. Christiana maintains a small library of official documents, and can forge paperwork related to the Berlin government and police within a few days. More exotic documents take time, and usually require either additional funding or giving Christiana a sample document for her library. ===== History ===== [[Alastar Mac Caoileann]] met Christiana when looking for someone that could help him out with obtaining a driver's license in 1982. Recognizing the talent of Christiana, he quickly struck up a mutually beneficial agreement with Alastar sending a monthly retainer fee they jokingly call 'the pension'. Over the years, the two have actually discovered a shared a common interest in oriental antiques.