====== E-Division ====== Description [wiki]: Division of the Justicars, led by [[Karl Schrekt]] Tags [ref]* : Image [image] : ic:karl_schrekt.png The newest classification among the archons, E Division - Enigma - was initiated only within the past several decades at the behest of [[Karl Schrekt]], the [[Tremere]] [[justicar]]. Schrekt was not responsible for naming the division, however, that honor was granted the younger kindred who organized and implemented the plan, and he was moderately dissatisfied with the chosen title. E Division's raison d'etre is the investigation of paranormal or unidentified phenomena that may threaten the [[Camarilla]], but fall outside the general experience of the sect. This can include anything from fae or eastern spirits to truly bizarre and possibly unique horrors that lack both precedent and context. Less focused on combat-related abilities (though still fully capable of holding their own against many opponents), most [[Archon|Archons]] of E Division are investigators and detectives of the highest ability. E Division is made up primarily of young ancillae. They often focus their efforts on amassing a variety of useful skills and abilities rather than specializing in any given area, and make use of modern technology that elder vampires fear to touch. E Division operatives must be capable of reacting instantly to peculiar or unexpected phenomena, and are rarely given the opportunity to repeat mistakes. Most other archons do not accord E Division much respect, tending to look down on its members as the "babies" of their order.