====== Gropiusstadt ====== Description [wiki]: Domain of Clan [[Malkavian]] in West Berlin In [ref]* : West Berlin Tags [ref]* : Image [image] : ic:gropiusstadt.png Gropiusstadt is a locality (Ortsteil) within the borough (Bezirk) of Neukölln, in the American sector of [[West Berlin]]. Bordering the edge of the city proper and mostly featuring dreary high-rises and low-income housing, it is some way from [[Charlottenburg]] and the centres of Kindred power. As such, it is claimed as the Domain of Clan [[Malkavian]]. Malkavian meetings are held in seemingly random locations in the district every Wednesday, though other Kindred are welcome to join, if they can find them. [[Elisabeth-Maria Holstein]] believes that she has been banished from this area of Berlin.