====== Hörtz' Ritual Research Diary ====== Description [wiki]: The old research diary of Victor Hörtz Tags [ref]* : Image [image] : ic:ritualresearchdiary.png The Research Diary of [[Victor Hoertz]] was retrieved by [[Tomáš Fiser]] (together with [[Alastar Mac Caoileann]] and [[Elisabeth-Maria Holstein]]) from the [[Bangkok]] //Ying World//, known in the West as the Spirit World, the [[Umbra]] or the Shadowlands. Rich in diagrams and written in meticulous German, it contains a record of the various experiments and the evolving hypotheses of the rogue Tremere's diabolical research. Part of the diary speaks of its sources, which the author subdivides into 'Chinese Geomancy' and the 'Hybrid Chinese Geomancy of the Giovanni Family in the New World'. The basis of the technique is the manipulation of ley lines and the magical essence of elemental forces within a limited radius. The author of the diary seems to assume that these techniques are a more chaotic and less controlleable alternative to Western Elementalism: the 'portals' between the Umbra and the material world cause a storm- or torrent of raw spiritual energy to enter the world, doing a great amount of elemental damage, which cannot be controlled by the caster. This approach is not Masquerade-friendly. Further research is needed. Additional experiments that are described in the diary show that the storm has a similar effect in the Umbra: the entropy of the system is disrupted, causing a 'storm' in the spirit world that is similar to the effects in the material world. A malign spirit showed itself during one of the experiments, but the author was able to destroy it with magic. In addition, it turns out to be possible to open portals to other places in the Umbra, possibly Hell itself, though the author is sceptical of such a description. He has made contact with another being and is exploring this contact when the research diary suddenly ends.