====== Newspapers ====== WoD Berlin has three broadsheet newspapers in circulation: * **Berliner Zeitung**: an East Berliner daily that is mainly read in the East. Gruner & Jahr's lavish attempts to make it the voice of all Berlin have resulted in it being subscribed to mainly by students. Branded as Germany's Washington Post, it is the only East German paper to achieve national prominence since reunification. These nights it has fallen under the control of foreign investors, who are attempting to remove as much traditional reporting as possible from the paper and turn it into a tabloid-style scandal sheet for yuppies. * **Berliner Morgenpost**: the second most popular newspaper, it is an originally West Berliner granny broadsheet from the same company that owns //Bild//. Colourful pictures. * **Der Tagesspiegel**: an independent, pseudo-intellectual West Berlin broadsheet formed in 1920. The famed Giovanni DiLorenzo steers his vessel through the hall of mirrors that is its readership and manages to keep things steady, if a little boring. It typically holds classically liberal views. Two tabloids are exclusive to Berlin: * **Berliner Kurier** : Gruner und Jahr's offerings in the muck-raking category. * **BZ**: Having suffered leftist terrorist attacks on its Berlin offices in the seventies, BZ still manages to be more popular in Berlin than //Bild//. The headlines from the maverick editor some originality, but little or no text appears on Page 1.