====== World ====== The campaign is centered around Berlin. The following topics might be of interest: * [[ic:start#Locations]] * [[ic:start#People]] * [[ic:start#Other things of note]] * [[Newspapers]] ===== Locations ===== //Separate [[locations]] listing.// ?location is a: location ?location Description [wiki]: ?description optional { ?location In [ref]: ?in } optional { ?location Tags [tag]: ?tag } sort { ?in ?location } group { ?location } ui { Location { filter: text } Lies in { filter: select } Tags { filter: select } }
===== People ===== //Separate [[people]] listing.// ?person is a: person ?person Description [wiki]: ?description optional { ?person Type [ref]: ?type } optional { ?person Clan [ref]: ?clan } optional { ?person Tags [tag]: ?tag } group { ?person } sort { ?type ?clan ?person } ui { Person { filter: text } Tag { filter: select } Type { filter: select } Clan { filter: select } }
===== Other things of note ===== //Separate [[things]] listing.// ?thing is a: thing ?thing Description [wiki]: ?description optional { ?thing Tags [tag]: ?tag } ui { Tags { filter: select } }