====== Elisabeth-Maria's Plans ====== This is a list of active and future plans as well as todo's for [[ic:Elisabeth-Maria Holstein]]. ===== Story Log ===== ==== Blood Bank ==== ^ ^ Story | | {{https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Robert_Koch_BeW.jpg?100}} | **Blood Bank: Investigate Robert Koch Institute for ghosts again** | | {{http://images.nrc.nl/_Q7-DRlg4ApBv9G4VnNmrzLBqXI=/1280x/s3/static.nrc.nl/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/ANP-11261573-2048x1351.jpg?100}} | **Blood Bank: better feeding** \\ \\ Get old blood from Research Center | | {{ic:default-character.png?100}} | **Blood Bank: Find a way to help the wraiths haunting [[ic:Stefan Reich]]** | ==== Religious ==== ^ ^ Story | | {{http://russiatrek.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/seven-wonders-russia-st-basil-cathedral.jpg?100}} | **7 January - Religious: Pilgrimage** \\ \\ Take a Pilgrimage to Saint Basil's Cathedral in Moscow \\ \\ 1) Find a 2-layer mask for cover | | {{http://www.womenoffaith.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/bible-Sunlight.jpg?100}} | **Religious: Shrekt's Bible** \\ \\ Read the book of forbidden knowledge | | {{http://www.ocf.org/OrthodoxPage/icons/clip/cross.gif?100}} | **Religious: Acquire a new crucifix** \\ \\ Find an appropriate crucifix as the last one was lost when the hellgate was closed in [[ic:Bangkok]] \\ \\ 1) Find an appropriate crucific \\ 2) Get ownership of it in a moral and legal manner | | {{https://sheofferedthemchrist.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/73421-homelessjesus.jpg?100}} | **Religious: Help the homeless man** \\ \\ Try to find a way to help the homeless man who attacked me | ==== Personal Development ==== ^ ^ Story | | {{http://vtm.min-maxed.com/images/c/c9/Daughters_of_Cacophony_Logo.jpg?100}} | **Personal Development: Learn new Perform skills** \\ \\ //Requires Heal up// \\ Learn Perform 5 by getting a highly skilled ballet tutor \\ \\ 1) Contact highly skilled female ballet tutor \\ 2) Convince them to provide lessons \\ 3) Learn to dance en-pointe \\ 4) Take Perform 5 \\ \\ Personal note: [Pas de Chat is verkeerd om], [Derde arm positie is vijfde arm positie], [Degage = Battement tendu jete] | | {{:presence_icon.png?100}} | **Personal Development: [[http://campaigns.13w.nl/berlin/tools/book/disciplines.html#presence|Presence]]** \\ \\ Practice Presence 3 with [[ic:Nichole]] | ==== Keeper Tasks ==== ^ ^ Story | | {{http://booksworn.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Masqued_Ball11.jpg?100}} | **21 December - [[Charity Ball]]** \\ \\ Host a charity event within the Berlin Kindred community | | {{ic:elke-katjar.png?100}} | **Restore relations between Alastar and the Toreador** \\ \\ Free Elke Katjar while everyone saves face | | {{ic:alastar-mac-caoileann.png?100}} | **Alastar Relation** \\ \\ 1) Visit the Brothel to discover what is on with that | ===== Activities Plan ===== ==== OOC: HMs ==== * [[True Faith Proposal]] ===== Stats ===== ^ Ordered Plans ^^^ ^ Stat ^ XP Cost ^ Notes ^ | [[rules:True Faith]] 1 | 10 | Requires Divine Mission | | [[rules:Presence]] 3 | 10 | Requires training activity (Nichole) | | [[rules:Presence]] 4 | 15 | Requires trainer (Jessica Morrow) | | ||| | [[rules:True Faith]] 2 | 7 | Requires Divine Mission | | [[rules:Presence]] 5 | 20 | Requires trainer (?) | ^ Secondary Queue ^^^ | Perform 5 | 8 | Requires trainer, Heal Up | | Manipulation 4 | 12 | When there is room | | Expression 5 | 8 | When there is room (?training?) | | Etiquette 5 | 8 | When there is room (?training?) | ^ When Plot Appropriate ^^^ ^ Stat ^ XP Cost ^ Notes ^ | Medicine | 3 | New knowledge | | Occult | 4 | Level 3 | | Academics | 4 | Level 3 | | Animal Ken | 2 | Level 2 | | Craft | 6 | Level 4 | ^ Willpower ^^^ ^ Stat ^ XP Cost ^ Notes ^ | Willpower 5 | 4 | After True Faith 1 | | Willpower 6 | 5 | After True Faith 2 | | Willpower 7 | 6 | After True Faith 3 | | Willpower 8 | 7 | After True Faith 4 | | Willpower 9 | 8 | After True Faith 5 | ^ Other Powers ^^^ ^ Stat ^ XP Cost ^ Notes ^ | [[rules:Auspex]] 1 | 10 | Requires trainer | | [[rules:Auspex]] 2 | 7 | Requires trainer | | Western Tapestry 1 | 10 | Requires trainer, power approval | | [[rules:Auspex]] 3 | 14 | Requires trainer | | [[rules:Animalism]] 1 | 10 | Requires trainer | | [[rules:Animalism]] 2 | 7 | Requires trainer |