====== Influence Proposal ====== //**Outdated**// The content of this page is kept here as an archive, but is not currently relevant or up to date.\\ //See [[rules:Influence]] in the rules namespace.// These rules are intended to replace the [[http://campaigns.13w.nl/berlin/tools/book/traits.html#influence|influence background]] in the book. Below are the notes on the design process. The approved rules are found in [[rules:influence]]. **Design Goals** The following goals are considered relevant for these new rules: * Make the actual impact of having Influence more explicit * The Influence rules should create meaningful roleplay opportunities * The rules should encourage networking and the selection of "acquintances" * The rules should encourage tenuous cooperation within a coterie * Conflicting interests can lead to both kindred-kindred and kindred-kine roleplay * The Influence rules should highlight the inherent moral corruption in the World of Darkness **Foundation** The new Influence rules are built on the following foundations: * Cities are the main localities for Kindred, so the scope of the Influence background is always City-wide, * The Influence background represents mainly political leverage, * The Influence background is always tied to a specific city, * Exerting influence over larger localities (at the state, regional, national or even international level) requires knowing the right people, * Exerting influence over different spheres (public opinion, corporate activities) requires knowing the right people, * Influence must be used or it is lost, so no "saving up" of influence, * Location matters, exerting influence on national politics is easier from the capital **Todo** The following points still need to be addressed (roughly in order): * Small favours * First round of comments and discussion * Larger influences (for achieving grander goals) * Opposing changes and influence * Fixers, lobbyists and "acquintances" (for influencing other scopes) * Second round of comments and discussion * Process feedback * Final proposal