====== Jamie Jones ====== Characters sheet of [[ic:Jamie Jones]]. Specialities are noted after the relevant trait, between parenthesis. Character [ref]: [[ic:Jamie Jones]] -- Experience Current Experience : 23 Experience Total : 40 -- Personality Demeanor : Gallant Nature : Conniver Generation Text: 11 -- Attributes Strength : 1 Dexterity : 3 Stamina : 2 Charisma : 4 Charisma Specialty: Genteel Manipulation : 3 Appearance : 4 Appearance Specialty: Gender fluidity Perception : 3 Intelligence : 2 Wits : 3 -- Abilities Alertness : 1 Athletics : 0 Brawl : 0 Dodge : 1 Empathy : 2 Expression : 2 Intimidation : 0 Leadership : 0 Streetwise : 1 Subterfuge : 2 Animal Ken : 0 Crafts : 0 Drive : 2 Etiquette : 2 Firearms : 1 Firearms Specialty: Melee : 1 Performance : 1 Security : 3 Stealth : 2 Survival : 1 Academics : 2 Computer : 1 Finance : 0 Finance Specialty: Investigation : 2 Law : 1 Linguistics : 2 Medicine : 0 Occult : 0 Politics : 1 Science : 0 -- Disciplines Auspex : 1 Celerity : 1 Presence : 1 Obfuscate : 2 -- Backgrounds Generation : 2 Influence : Resources : 1 Allies : Herd : Retainers : Status : Contacts : 2 -- Virtues Conscience : 3 Self-control : 4 Courage : 3 -- Advantages Merits* : none Flaws* : 1 point flaw -- Other Humanity: 7 Permanent Willpower: 6 Temporary Willpower: 6 Blood Pool : 12 Blood Points : 7 Languages* : English, German, French -- Health levels Bruised : Hurt : Injured : Wounded : Mauled : Crippled : Incapacitated :