====== LARP-based humanity ====== TODO ===== Original ===== {{ :notes:larphumanity.jpg |}} "You get points that accumulate in a night, if you exceed 5 points you degenerate a humanity. Larp humanity is a scale of 1-6, but most vampires are 4/5. They did away with things like property damage etc, it's all on violence really but you could make property damage a single point action. For each action you take that earns you beast traits points, you can roll (paper, rock scissors in larp.) to remove one point and feel guilty for the action, but they're cumulative so if you say do mass murder multiple times in a night you get 4+4, which is 8. Even if I roll and win on both of those to drop them to 3 + 3, I still exceeded 5 points and drop a humanity."