====== Todo ====== Pages to be added: * NPCs * Drugdealer waar Tomas aan deaddropped (naam onbekend) * Witte Kuei-Jin dame (naam onbekend) * [[ic:Lara Tse]], Chinees-amerikaanse martial arts specialist, servitores of Jessica Morrow * [[ic:Samaria Beth-Eli]], Beeldschone Perzische Princes, servitores of Jessica Morrow (Naam aangepast naar wat ik me herinner; niet zeker --Brend) * [[ic:Sofie]], Up-and-coming English Tremere Scientist, servitores of Jessica Morrow * Locations * [[ic:Milan]] * [[ic:Wilmersdorf]] (district van west-berlijn -> is dit [[wp>Wilhelmstadt]] of [[wp>Wilhelmsruh]]?) * [[ic:Dong Xuan Market]] (aan de Herzberstraße in oost berlijn) * Foto's van het werkelijke Dong Xuan Center * http://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/bursphcVX2dQfPcXc2hmNQ/o.jpg * http://s3-media4.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/ymwOSnHD8vDjCp9LMXgqMQ/o.jpg * http://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/6DOSjro7GXqawiVdR4jcVA/o.jpg * http://s3-media3.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/Hf2iKPfXDI7NdHn-PKH7aQ/o.jpg * Robert Koch Instituut (locatie) * Hiding Place van Goering * Nieuwe woonplaats Ozzy * Industriepark waar het spook rond hing * Other * Change [[ic:start]] to prose and link to listings? * Better text for [[ic:Rotary Club Berlin-Süd]] * Better text for [[ic:Rotary Club Berlin-Charlottenburg]] * Split up [[ic:newspapers]] into separate 'thing' pages for each paper * Robert Koch instituut (groep) * UFO-club See also the list of [[Unimaged people]] for characters that still need an image. == DONE == Listed here so they are known not to have been forgotten. * Prins [[ic:Johann von Rusdorf]] * Senechal [[ic:Magnus von Rusdorf]] * Ancilla [[ic:Herbert Faulstich]] * [[ic:Christian Garot]] aka Christian Brentson * [[ic:The Mistress]] * [[ic:Stefan Reich]] * [[ic:Antoinne]] * [[ic:Uri Dragomirov]] * [[ic:Frankfurt (Oder)]] [[wp>Frankfurt (Oder)]] * [[ic:Lien Chin]] krokodil leraar * [[ic:Utterson Inn]] (Oude haven Ozzy) == Skipped == Entries not made due to lack of relevance or information * [[ic:Marcella van Deva]] (changed bones of Force) * Nachtwaker Dong Xuan Market * Oude Dame Dong Xuan Market * Japans Spook * Portier van Goethestrasse (naam onbekend) * Sophia, ghoul of [[ic:Giangaleazzo]]