

Project Lebensborn [ West Berlin, Fourth Reich ]

Malkavian Kindred

Lulu is the lone female Kindred among the Malkavian followers of the Fourth Reich, and probably the loudest one. An thought leader on the latest in fascist fashion, she often sports gleaming black leather and bright red armbands. During rallies she is usually the center of attention, whether her dyed platinum blonde hair set up in a tight double bun or let loose.

She is 'comrades' with all the men of the neo-nazi movement, and thought to have slept with nearly all of them, even the most undeserving mongrels. Kindred who want to apologise for this behaviour suggest that this is just her way of feeding, though Cassius and Marcel got very protective when she tried to seduce Alexander in 1991.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, she is very popular among the mortal followers and hangers-on of the Fourth Reich. The other Kindred guard their ghouls warily, as she might dote on them as well.