
To read:

List of people I have to add/give image:

Foundations to give a wiki page and link into things:

Discipline to analyse and rework:

Yin Yang Discipline

Rough sketch of Yin Yang Discipine, Mk2 (feels more like a fusion between Kuei-Jin and Kindred mythics):

Elemental affiliations (See also Yin and yang):



Maintaining Balance

The Imbalance of your pool is the difference between Yin and Yang amounts.

Being out of balance has an effect on your spiritual well-being. You are out of balance when your Chi Balance has at least (Rating + 2) of a single color:

Concrete power notes

Multiple powers are noted here for later refinment. Notes are placed in emphasis.

Rating ●○○○○: When taking a Soak roll, you can convert X Yang in your balance to Yin, gaining X additional dice on your soak roll. When taking a Damage roll, you can convert X Yin in your balance to yang, gaining X additional dice on your damage roll. Limits can be placed where appropriate based on, e.g., discipline rating, generation based vitae limits, or simple constant.

Rating ●●○○○: Once per the kindred can roll (Wits+Occult) against a difficult of (10 - Imbalance). Each success allows you to convert a mote towards a more balanced chi pool. Excess successes when balanced is achieved have no effect. A Botch means that you go out of balance even further: convert one minorty mote to the majority color, if you are fully out of balance you take 1 unsoakable health level of bashing damage.

Rating ●●●○○|●●●●○ Teleport, Yin or Yang conversion is based on the “direction” of the movement. The direction is either In or Out, depending on whether you enter or leave a building. Going from one room to another is In, and going from an outside location to an outside location is Out. Distance, vitae cost, amount of motes variable? (Compare with Tremere powers?)

Rating ?: Luck influencing: spend vitae and convert Chi to force the outcome of a chance action (flip a coin, draw a card, slot machine, hand of poker, roulette number, etc.).