Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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ic:69_goethestrasse [2015/05/10 15:11]
Mercury [69 Goethestraße]
ic:69_goethestrasse [2015/05/15 22:37] (current)
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 [[Alastar Mac Caoileann]] owns apartment 14 on the left side of the third floor, which now serves as a haven for [[Elisabeth-Maria Holstein]]. [[Alastar Mac Caoileann]] owns apartment 14 on the left side of the third floor, which now serves as a haven for [[Elisabeth-Maria Holstein]].
-===== Layout =====+ 
 +==== Haven Layout ​==== 
 +The apartment opens up into a hallway, a door on the immediate left leading to the kitchen with a second door on that side opening up to a dining room. The end of the hallway opens up to a large drawing room, and doors on the right leads to a bedroom, utilities closet and water closet. From the drawing room, a small study can be reached. 
 +The apartment has high ceilings in all rooms due to the era in which the building was constructed,​ and the windows have been covered up, with electric bulbs in old style lamps providing illumination instead. Carpets cover most of the tiled floor and woodwork and paintings ((replica'​s,​ not originals)) covers the wall, giving it a warm, Belle Époque feel. 
 +The kitchen is a small one decorated in old style with wooden cabinets and copper pots and pans and a refrigerator built into a similarly styled cabinet. The stove is a more modern one from the fifties, powered by gas and lit by hand. The kitchen has room for a washing machine, but doesn'​t actually have such a device, leaving a bit of a hole. 
 +{{ 69-goethestrasse.png?​340|Floor plan of 69 Goethestraße,​ Apt. 14}} 
 +The dining room's central feature is a large oak table, big enough to seat three on each side comfortably,​ with matching chairs. A fine china dining set is stored in a cabinet on the wall for visitors to see. 
 +The drawing room features a slender couch which is long enough to lie down on, as well as several chairs, a coffee table and a smaller round table with chairs. There is a fireplace but it is filled with flowers instead of having room for an actual fire and paintings hang on the wall to decorate the room in a tasty, if somewhat overdone manner. A small piano stands in a corner. 
 +The study features bookcases along the walls with various classical books. There is a desk and a comfortable chair, but no room for anything else. 
 +The bedroom is reasonably sized and has no windows, being an inside room. It has a large four-poster bed, two large closets for clothes and a huge full length mirror, as well as two comfortable chairs to sit in. The connected bathroom features a large bathtub and a dresser with a large mirror. 
 +The Utilities closet contains connections for electricity,​ gas and water while the Water Closet contains a toilet and a small sink to wash your hands. 
 +===== Building ​Layout =====
 ==== Ground Floor ==== ==== Ground Floor ====
ic/69_goethestrasse.1431263463.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/10 15:11 by Mercury