Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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ic:abbot [2015/01/27 23:06]
Mercury created
ic:abbot [2015/11/19 16:49] (current)
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 ====== Abbot ====== ====== Abbot ======
-Winged Sabbat ​aberationtries to recruit Camarilla ​to the Sabbat ​sometimes.+<data person>​ 
 +Description [wiki]: ​Winged Sabbat ​soldier 
 +Type [ref]        : Kindred 
 +Clan [ref]        :  
 +Tags [ref]* ​      : SabbatWest Berlin 
 +Image [image] ​    : abbot.png 
 +Abbot is a winged member of the Sabbat. He tried to recruit Camarilla ​members, including ​the coterie, into joining the [[Sabbat]]. He was listed in a letter addressed to [[J. Oswald Hyde-White]] that was found by the coterie in the haven of [[J. Oswald Hyde-White]].
ic/abbot.1422396382.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/27 23:06 by Mercury