Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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ic:hermann_goering [2015/01/29 20:36]
Mercury created
ic:hermann_goering [2015/02/08 20:38] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== ​Hermann_Göring ​====== +====== ​Hermann Göring ​======
- +
-{{ :​ic:​hermann_goering.jpg|}} +
- +
-[ [[ic:#​People]] ]+
 <data person> <data person>
-Description [wiki]: Former Nazi leader turned vampire +Description [wiki]: Former Nazi leader turned vampire, believes [[Heinrich Himmler]] is after him 
-Race              ​Vampire (Malkavian) +Type [ref]        : Kindred 
-Tags*             ​: Berlin, Malkavian, Fourth Reich+Clan [ref]        ​: Malkavian 
 +Tags [ref]      ​West Berlin, Fourth Reich 
 +Image [image] ​      : ic:​hermann_goering.jpg
 </​data>​ </​data>​
-Slightly paranoid [[Forth Reich]] supporter. Believes [[Adolf Hitler]] is still alive and that he is being pursuit by [[Heinrich Himmler]].+Slightly paranoid [[Fourth ​Reich]] supporter. Believes [[Adolf Hitler]] is still alive and that he is being pursuit by [[Heinrich Himmler]].
ic/hermann_goering.1422560179.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/29 20:36 by Mercury