Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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ic:karl_schrekt [2015/10/25 18:21]
roald created
ic:karl_schrekt [2016/08/23 15:27] (current)
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-[[Justicar]] ​of the [[Camarilla]]. Resides in a castle ​in Linz, Austria.+Karl Schrekt is a very powerful Kindred who occupies the position of [[Justicar]] ​for the [[Tremere]]. He resides ​in Castle Schrekt near Linz, Austria. Furthermore,​ he founded the E Division among Archons as means to investigate paranormal occurrences that were beyond the experiences of most Kindred (although he did not choose the name, much to his chagrin). 
 +In 1575 he was sent to Berlin by the Inner Council to investigate the death of one of their clanmates at the hands of the Prince of that city. He was met harshly by Gustav Breidenstein,​ who staked a formal letter of apology to the Tremere and pierced it through the (already) Justicar'​s heart. Since then, Schrekt has kept a grudge against the prince of (now East) Berlin. 
 +There are rumours that that Schrekt stopped being a Tremere Justicar in 1987 but continues to operate as if he still holds the office
ic/karl_schrekt.1445793687.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/25 18:21 by roald