Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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ic:lippe [2015/01/29 23:05]
ic:lippe [2015/02/15 17:27] (current)
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 <data location>​ <data location>​
-Description [wiki]: Brothel owned by [[Alastar Mac Coaileann]] +Description [wiki]: Brothel owned by [[Alastar Mac Caoileann]] 
-In [ref]*: Charlottenburg+In [ref]* ​        ​: Charlottenburg 
 +Tags [ref]* ​      : Haven 
 +Image [image] ​    : ic:​lippe.png
 </​data>​ </​data>​
-Address: //78 Goethestraße// ​(For the actual building, have a look at [[https://​​maps/​@52.5089082,​13.3206253,​3a,​75y,​194.62h,​100.24t/​data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sH12BElOrzPPwj9D79H4SGg!2e0|Streetview]]) +Address: //78 Goethestraße//​
 This stately triangular corner building counts 5 floors, 6 if the basement is counted as well. Most of the ground floor is sublet to several shops, with the corner shop a small cafe open till the late hours. Beyond the large wooden door of number 78 the entrance to Lippe, the upper class brothel. Immediatel behind the large wooden door is a short wide hallway leading to the center of the ground floor: a foyer with a marble floor and elegantly understated decorations. The foyer features two doors normally hidden behind curtains: one leads to the staff hallway, the other to a simple storage closet. This stately triangular corner building counts 5 floors, 6 if the basement is counted as well. Most of the ground floor is sublet to several shops, with the corner shop a small cafe open till the late hours. Beyond the large wooden door of number 78 the entrance to Lippe, the upper class brothel. Immediatel behind the large wooden door is a short wide hallway leading to the center of the ground floor: a foyer with a marble floor and elegantly understated decorations. The foyer features two doors normally hidden behind curtains: one leads to the staff hallway, the other to a simple storage closet.
ic/lippe.1422569156.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/01/29 23:05 by Brend