Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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Other things of note

Thing Description Tags
E-DivisionE-DivisionDivision of the Justicars, led by Karl Schrekt
Hörtz' Ritual Research DiaryHörtz' Ritual Research DiaryThe old research diary of Victor Hörtz
Orange Co.Orange Co.Contractor and real estate developer
Spear of LonginusSpear of LonginusLance that pierced the side of Jesus as he hung on the cross, according to the Gospel of John
Stiftung Wolliges FledermausschutzStiftung Wolliges FledermausschutzFoundation for the protection and preservation of the Woolly Bat
Gustav Breidensteins' Berlin: The Home of a Treacherous TyrantGustav Breidensteins' Berlin: The Home of a Treacherous TyrantA tome of history in castle_schrekt
ic/things.1431279675.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/05/10 19:41 by Brend