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Tomáš Fiser
Tomáš is a Tremere Apprentice of the Third Circle as well as an aspiring drug dealer and producer. Depending on the situation he either dresses in a formal black suit with dark green accessoires; jeans, a blazer with elbow patches, and a trenchcoat; or Tremere ritual robes.
He drives a dark green Tatra 613 and seems to prefer Czech-made products, such as his knives and CZ 75 pistol.
1949: Born in Prague.
1968: Political activist against Soviet influence, but real motivation not wanting to be associated with Slovaks and rest of the Eastern Bloc. Fled to Vienna during the
Prague Spring and searched for a place to resume studying chemistry. The Tremere saw potential and through a front offered a scholarship at the University of Vienna.
1970: Tremere handler gradually tested his interest in occult subjects and after they were satisfied with the results, turned him into a ghoul without his knowledge.
1972: Finished chemistry study, started doctorate, while Tremere handler keeps dosing occult knowledge. His own addiction to the mysterious substance occasionally supplied by his handler, peeked his interest in addictive substances and he tried to synthetically recreate the effect.
1976: Finished doctorate. Tremere handler comes clean about the ghoulification in 1970, reveals the existence of House and Clan Tremere, and offers the Embrace. An offer which at this point cannot be refused.
1989: After many years of studying the occult in Vienna, sent by the Tremere to Berlin for unspecified reasons. Gained permission to set up a drugs lab as a source of blood and money.