Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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ic:uri_dragomirov [2016/07/31 00:15]
ic:uri_dragomirov [2016/07/31 00:16] (current)
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 Announced as her Sire by [[Elisabeth-Maria Holstein]]'​s introduction in Berlin and later to [[Karl Schrekt]], where she was forced to correct that to [[Rasputin]]. Announced as her Sire by [[Elisabeth-Maria Holstein]]'​s introduction in Berlin and later to [[Karl Schrekt]], where she was forced to correct that to [[Rasputin]].
-Lived in Vienna with [[Elisabeth-Maria]] until the end of the second world war.+Lived in Vienna with [[Elisabeth-Maria ​Holstein]] until the end of the second world war.
ic/uri_dragomirov.1469916918.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/31 00:15 by Mercury