Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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ic:xi_chang [2015/10/15 23:02]
ic:xi_chang [2015/11/19 17:07] (current)
Line 6: Line 6:
 Clan [ref]             : ​ Clan [ref]             : ​
 Tags [ref]* ​           : Bangkok Tags [ref]* ​           : Bangkok
-Image [image] ​         : +Image [image] ​         : xi_chang.png
 </​data>​ </​data>​
-A Thai ghost who informs on other ghosts to the Censor of the Jade Emperor. In life he work for [[Victor Hörtz]] as the manager of the [[House of the Sunken Sun]].+A Thai ghost who informs on other ghosts to the Censor of the Jade Emperor. In life he worked ​for [[Victor Hörtz]] as the manager of the [[House of the Sunken Sun]]. 
 +After [[Elisabeth-Maria Holstein]], [[Alastar Mac Caoileann]] and [[Tomáš Fiser]] travelled to the spirit world, he accused them of theft and working together with [[Victor Hörtz]].
ic/xi_chang.1444942973.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/10/15 23:02 by Brend