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notes:elisabeth-maria_orthodoxy [2016/02/07 23:02]
Mercury [Interpretation of the Lessons of Jesus Christ]
notes:elisabeth-maria_orthodoxy [2016/03/27 12:41] (current)
Mercury [Confession]
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 At least once a year, preferably more often, Elisabeth-Maria gives confession to a spiritual guide. This can be a priest or a starets (such as [[ic:​Rasputin]]). In it she confesses her sins in word, deed and thought and asks for forgiveness. At least once a year, preferably more often, Elisabeth-Maria gives confession to a spiritual guide. This can be a priest or a starets (such as [[ic:​Rasputin]]). In it she confesses her sins in word, deed and thought and asks for forgiveness.
-Certain sins are easier to confess than others. The taking of blood for feeding is not something easily confessed, so a confessor with knowledge of +Certain sins are easier to confess than others. The taking of blood for feeding is not something easily confessed, so a confessor with knowledge of kindred is crucial.
 //At the table: Elisabeth-Maria will attempt to find a confessor to confess her sins to, preferably without violating the masquerade. This can be problematic and requires roleplay. The actual confession itself is probably less important and can probably be summarized to save table time.// //At the table: Elisabeth-Maria will attempt to find a confessor to confess her sins to, preferably without violating the masquerade. This can be problematic and requires roleplay. The actual confession itself is probably less important and can probably be summarized to save table time.//
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 ==== Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Heavenly Virtues ==== ==== Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Heavenly Virtues ====
-  ​+
   * Chastity / Lust   * Chastity / Lust
-  ​Temperence ​/ Gluttony+ 
 +Elisabeth-Maria has zero sexual education or experience and hailing from a time and place where such things just were not discussed, she is mostly unaware of the depths and details of lust and sexuality beyond girlish crushes. Conceptually,​ procreation is something that ought to happen only between a husband and wife with the goal of having children, and anything beyond that invites disease and moral corruption. 
 +Despite this view, Elisabeth-Maria is not sanctimonious on the topic, at least in part because most of it goes right over her head.  
 +//At the table: Elisabeth-Maria does not involve herself in sexual activity and usually completely misses the point on this topic - however, she can easily recognise love and may be subject to that herself.//​ 
 +  ​Temperance ​/ Gluttony 
 +While her background might suggest otherwise, in fact Elisabeth-Maria is used to living without luxury, sleeping on hard beds, performing manual labour and doing her own cleaning. She sticks to a regime with regular fasting based on her religious beliefs and while not living in poverty, she lives relatively frugal. One possible exception is that she loves her gowns and clothing and she will invest a lot of time and effort into her appearance - even here though, she does most of her needlework herself.  
 +Elisabeth-Maria may sometimes cast a judgemental word on those who overindulge themselves - usually behind their backs - but she tries to avoid being truly hurtful about it, especially if the person cannot help themselves. 
 +//At the table: Elisabeth-Maria sticks to a fasting regiment based on her religious beliefs and has no issue with household tasks and chores, often helping out despite her station.//​ 
   * Charity / Greed   * Charity / Greed
 +Elisabeth-Maria was raised with charity being a normal daily part of life. With her wealth-level having dropped significantly since being on her own, she still gives at church when she can, and she engages actively in charitable works, for example raising ten million DM to create the [[ic:​Stiftung Wolliges Fledermausschutz]]. As such, she actively involves others in her charity work as much as she can, be it by deed or by contribution.
 +Of note is that Elisabeth-Maria generally does not really understand the value of money, having never wanted for the things she needs and could buy. As such, she may misunderstand the price of goods and services. Moreover, while she can calculate the numbers, she just doesn'​t really appreciate the value of money on a deeper level.
 +//At the table: Elisabeth-Maria regularly undertakes charitable activities and gives away any money she has left at the end of the month to the charity of choice of the Church. As such, she keeps no savings beyond her monthly income//
   * Diligence / Sloth   * Diligence / Sloth
 +When she was young, Elisabeth-Maria was not allowed to be idle, and she was often handed tasks such as embroidery or other needlework to do when she was not otherwise occupied. This habit has kept and she tends to piles tasks upon herself to keep working actively rather than sitting around, as she considers it her duty to do deeds for the benefit of others. Incidentally it also helps keep her mind off of the bad times.
 +Elisabeth-Maria sometimes tries to recruit others into her activities, but more generally she helps others rather than get them involved for the sake of avoiding sloth.
 +//At the table: Elisabeth-Maria usually has at least one sewing project that is ongoing and usually has a list of planned activities, in addition to any quests or missions she may have, be it to improve herself, to make her home town more beautiful or to help others. See also [[Elisabeth-Maria Plans]].//
   * Patience / Wrath   * Patience / Wrath
 +Elisabeth-Maria is almost a century old and as such, she has learned at least some degree of patience. In some cases, however, this can still be hard for her and this may manifest in pinching remarks. In rare cases, when confronted with something that causes her grief, or when she sees what she perceives as an injustice, she may even get angry and lash out, as happened when Impi was taken from her, and when Verena and Anntoinnette upset her.
 +This virtue is probably the one Elisabeth-Maria has the most difficulty with. Still, she attempts to make amends after she has calmed down, for example making Verena deputy keeper and apologizing to Dylan while accepting she would never be with Impi.
 +//At the table: Elisabeth-Maria may not be able to avoid impatience or feelings of anger, but she does try to make amends if she did anything unacceptable.//​
   * Kindness / Envy   * Kindness / Envy
 +Elisabeth-Maria generally places the interests of others above her own, trying actively to help people and improve their lot in life, expecting no payment in return for her service. She has a kind heart and actively wants others to feel happy.
 +Contrary to the archetypical vampiress, Elisabeth-Maria does not usually get envious of others in their relationships,​ expensive clothing and jewellery or other fortunes, instead being happy for their good luck, even if she herself does not enjoy the same fortune.
 +One bad habit Elisabeth-Maria has is the making of "​burning"​ remarks to others, a habit she inherited from the many years she spent with other vampires who's lives revolved around this.
 +//At the table: Elisabeth-Maria generally tries to help other people wherever she can, even if there is no reward other than that person benefiting. She is easily and sometimes even self-motivated by quests that help those she knows.//
   * Humility / Pride   * Humility / Pride
 +Elisabeth-Maria has a deeply complicated and multi-faceted relationship with this virtue / sin pair, that is too complicated to explain concisely. One notable feature is that she not only feels that she is not better than others, as one might expect of a Ventrue, but in fact has a strong inferiority complex.
 +//At the table: Both her Demeanour and Nature are related to this sin and to the history that shapes her view of this sin / virtue pair.//
 ===== Challenges to the Faith ===== ===== Challenges to the Faith =====
notes/elisabeth-maria_orthodoxy.1454882575.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/02/07 23:02 by Mercury