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This page describes some expected behaviours and requirements of Elisabeth-Maria in relation to her faith.
Requirements only apply if it is morally and physically possible to meet them. For example, if Elisabeth-Maria is in torpor due to being mauled by a grizzly bear, she would not be in breach of her daily prayer requirements if she does not pray while unconscious. Likewise, if someone threatens to murder her if she doesn't eat during a fasting period, she would not be in breach to eat.
Elisabeth-Maria makes prayers at least once a day and usually every evening after bed and morning before going to sleep. This is in addition to any prayers for specific purposes (praying for someone, visits to church).
To save table time, Daily Prayers are included in the time to prepare for / get out of bed.
Elisabeth-Maria participates in the liturgy and receives communion every Sunday as well as during the 12 major feast days in the Orthodox Calendar. As a member of the church community, she also receives the Holy Unction during the Holy Week (after Orthodox Easter).
On Sundays and any major feast days that do not fall on a Sunday (several always do), Elisabeth-Maria will need to use at least part of the day to visit Church. To save table time, this does not need to be played out.
At least once a year, preferably more often, Elisabeth-Maria gives confession to a spiritual guide. This can be a priest or a starets (such as Rasputin). In it she confesses her sins in word, deed and thought and asks for forgiveness.
As per the tenets of the faith, Elisabeth-Maria fasts (does not eat or feed) during the fast days of her belief. There are four longer periods of fasting, and wednesdays and fridays are also fast days throughout the year. Certain weeks are exempted from fasting, and several other holy days are also fast days.
Because Elisabeth-Maria cannot go for extended periods without blood, she does feed on weekends during longer fasting periods, when the rules are not as stringent.