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notes:research_institute_proposal [2016/05/27 12:49]
Mercury [Benefits]
notes:research_institute_proposal [2016/07/26 23:03] (current)
Brend [Location]
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-====== Tobe Na Med Research Institute ======+====== Tobe Na Med Research Institute ​(proposal) ​====== 
 +// Proposal approved 22-07-2016 //
 The Tobe Na Med Research Institute is a research institute that claims to specialise in Historic Genealogical DNA research, specifically with the goal of finding genetic markers within historical noble families and their descendants. Amongst their stated primary goals is the discovery of genes which are related to the failure and success of dynasties, as well as determining if marriage customs of the historic era have created genetic division between nobles and non-nobles. They accomplish this goal by analysing the blood of the descendent of noble families, especially those who still qualify as nobles. The Tobe Na Med Research Institute is a research institute that claims to specialise in Historic Genealogical DNA research, specifically with the goal of finding genetic markers within historical noble families and their descendants. Amongst their stated primary goals is the discovery of genes which are related to the failure and success of dynasties, as well as determining if marriage customs of the historic era have created genetic division between nobles and non-nobles. They accomplish this goal by analysing the blood of the descendent of noble families, especially those who still qualify as nobles.
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 For various reasons, it may be desirable to filter blood acquired from other sources through the research institute. ​ For various reasons, it may be desirable to filter blood acquired from other sources through the research institute. ​
-This is done by donating ​blood (for example by bringing in in volunteer donor) via the institute. Since the institute profits from testing the blood on behalf ​of the collective Berlin ​blood banks, it can then use those profits to buy some of the donated blood from the blood banksYou can get one point of blood for every two points ​of blood donated.+By donating a large amount ​of blood, it is likely that at least some of it will not be required during ​the regular events and that it will - after expiring - be thrown outBlood expires after roughly 30 days and is at that point no longer ​of a high enough quality that it can be safely used for patients. Instead ​of having it destroyed, research institutes may buy such blood at a low prices if the quality is still good enough for their research.
-This type of purchase is analogous ​to Market Purchase, but it is paid for out of the profits ​of the donation, ​and it provides its own blood, and is therefore not limited by the available ​amount of blood. ​+To filter blood in this way, it must be donated to the research institute, for example by bringing in members of a herd to donate blood. This blood is then stored for one month, and during this time, it may be used to help patients. What is left, instead of being destroyed, is purchased by the research institute for "​research"​ (more accurately, consumption). ​This type of purchase is similar ​to the Market Purchase, but has a delay of one month and is paid for out of the profits ​on the original ​donation. For simplicity, the amount of blood that is thrown out is roughly half of what is put in. Thus, you gain one point of blood for every two points of blood put in.
-One advantage is that blood filtered in this way will have been tested for pathogens and is therefore ​safe source of food +One advantage is that blood filtered in this way will have been tested for pathogens and is therefore safe for consumption. Another advantage is that donation filtering actually increases the supply of blood available for patients but this comes with a potential disadvantage:​ in special cases where there is a blood shortage in Berlin due to large accidents or the likes, the blood banks are not obligated to sell back the blood just donated. Due to the large stored supply, this would only happen in the most dire of events. Blood that has gone past its expiration date can still be consumed for blood points, but has lost its taste and is generally considered "​absolutely disgusting"​ by Kindred.
- +
-Another advantage is that donation filtering actually increases the supply of blood available for patientsbut this comes with a potential disadvantage:​ in special cases where there is a blood shortage in Berlin due to large accidents or the likes, the blood banks are not obligated to sell back the blood just donated. Due to the large stored supply, this would only happen in the most dire of events.+
 ===== Implementation ===== ===== Implementation =====
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 ==== Funding ==== ==== Funding ====
-Funding needs to be provided to start up and maintain the institute. A total of 250.000 needs to be raised (excluding the cost for the building) up front, and a Finance check may be required to effectively set up the system of loans and investments necessary to maintain the institute.+// Done // 
 +Funding needs to be provided to start up and maintain the institute. A total of € 250.000 needs to be raised (excluding the cost for the building) up front, and a Finance check may be required to effectively set up the system of loans and investments necessary to maintain the institute.
 ==== Location ==== ==== Location ====
 +// Done, inspection pending //
 A fitting location needs to be secured and acquired. Currently, the best location appears to be Alastar Mac Caoileann'​s domain, which is right next to the Charite Hospital, but space needs to be made available. Acquiring such a location may require purchasing a building or finding some other way to gain ownership of it. A fitting location needs to be secured and acquired. Currently, the best location appears to be Alastar Mac Caoileann'​s domain, which is right next to the Charite Hospital, but space needs to be made available. Acquiring such a location may require purchasing a building or finding some other way to gain ownership of it.
 +> The institute is located on the Second floor of the modern research building of the Robert Koch institute [[https://​​maps/​place/​Robert+Koch-Institut/​@52.5352382,​13.3451781,​426a,​20y,​11.81h,​49.02t/​data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:​0x91d2fb908e414d8c!8m2!3d52.5391966!4d13.3472729|3d street view]]
 ==== Permits ==== ==== Permits ====
 +// To be done //
 The institute will require a permit to process bodily fluids as well as connections with the local hospital and the red cross in order to be able to purchase blood. Someone well connected in the charity circuit, or perhaps with political connections,​ would likely be able to make such arrangements,​ or perhaps Influence could be used to ensure the necessary permits. The institute will require a permit to process bodily fluids as well as connections with the local hospital and the red cross in order to be able to purchase blood. Someone well connected in the charity circuit, or perhaps with political connections,​ would likely be able to make such arrangements,​ or perhaps Influence could be used to ensure the necessary permits.
 ==== Recruitment ==== ==== Recruitment ====
 +// To be done //
 The institute needs to hire various scientists and support staff. These need to be people who are both capable and trustworthy. Preferably they would be masquerade friendly, though if not, they should be the type of people not to ask too many questions. In total, four researchers and two support staff need to be recruited. The institute needs to hire various scientists and support staff. These need to be people who are both capable and trustworthy. Preferably they would be masquerade friendly, though if not, they should be the type of people not to ask too many questions. In total, four researchers and two support staff need to be recruited.
 ==== Optional: Security ==== ==== Optional: Security ====
 +// To be done //
 The standard setup includes various alarms, locks and security camera'​s,​ but as an optional feature, security can be arranged to better secure the facility beyond this, posting guards or the likes. The standard setup includes various alarms, locks and security camera'​s,​ but as an optional feature, security can be arranged to better secure the facility beyond this, posting guards or the likes.
 ==== Optional: Science connection ==== ==== Optional: Science connection ====
 +// To be done //
 The standard setup includes the contacts necessary to operate, but having additional connections in the science community can lend additional credence to the facility and can make it easier to get future grants, while seeming much more legitimate. The standard setup includes the contacts necessary to operate, but having additional connections in the science community can lend additional credence to the facility and can make it easier to get future grants, while seeming much more legitimate.
notes/research_institute_proposal.1464346158.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/05/27 12:49 by Mercury