Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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rules:true_faith [2016/01/28 23:24]
Brend [True Faith]
rules:true_faith [2016/10/18 17:26] (current)
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 Description [wiki]: You have a deep-seated faith in and love for God Description [wiki]: You have a deep-seated faith in and love for God
 Image [image]: :​true_faith.png Image [image]: :​true_faith.png
-Book [link]: http://​​berlin/​tools/​book/​antagonists.html#​true-faith 
 </​data>​ </​data>​
 +//This page supercedes the True Faith in the book.//
 True Faith is a special Trait that only a few people in the World of Darkness possess. While many mortals are more or less devoted to a belief in some form of higher being or purpose, only a small number have the burning zeal, the profound conviction that can protect them against creatures like vampires. Note that, while most vampire legends portray the Damned being repelled by crosses and the like, Faith can manifest in any religious form. A devout Jew might be able to ward off vampires with her Star of David, or a Taoist might be able to intone special prayers, while a Christian lacking True Faith finds his crucifix impotent against the undead. True Faith is a special Trait that only a few people in the World of Darkness possess. While many mortals are more or less devoted to a belief in some form of higher being or purpose, only a small number have the burning zeal, the profound conviction that can protect them against creatures like vampires. Note that, while most vampire legends portray the Damned being repelled by crosses and the like, Faith can manifest in any religious form. A devout Jew might be able to ward off vampires with her Star of David, or a Taoist might be able to intone special prayers, while a Christian lacking True Faith finds his crucifix impotent against the undead.
 +===== • Blood of the Martyr =====
 +You gain the ability to take the injuries of others on to yourself. As a regular action, the user holds their hands over the victim, who is healed of all wounds, while those same wounds are inflicted upon the user. Damage levels are transferred with the injuries, so the user will suffer the damage levels absorbed from the victim. ​
 +At the same time, all non-damage afflictions are transferred from the victim to the user, including such things as blindness, disease or poisoning. The victim is healed of these, while they are inflicted upon the user. 
 +Certain supernatural conditions such as curses, spell effects or the likes may likewise be transferred from the victim to the user, at the discretion of the storyteller. For example, it might be possible to transfer a curse from the victim onto the user. In such a case, the user becomes the target of the curse, while the victim is freed from it.
 +Damage levels and afflictions,​ including supernatural curses and the likes that are inflicted upon the user by this power cannot be soaked or prevented by any means, but they may be cured normally once they are absorbed.
 +The user does not take on afflictions to which they are immune. Instead, they take on the physical symptoms of the affliction (or as close an equivalent as possible) and suffer from stigmata bleeding. ​
 +The details of the stigmata differs between users, usually taking the form of bleeding from the eyes, hands, feet, brow or side, but they always cause between one and three levels of aggravated damage (at the storytellers discretion, based on the severity of the affliction being transferred). The symptoms remain until these levels of damage have been healed. ​
 +Since only symptoms are expressed, but the affliction itself is not transferred,​ a user who is immune to diseases (such as Kindred) will not become a carrier of the affliction and does not risk infecting others.
 +This power does not transfer mental health issues or derangements and can never be used to heal effects that are an essential part of the victims being (such as a clan weakness).
 +==== Special Notes ====
 +When absorbing damage through this power, it is possible to become incapacitated,​ or even go into torpor if the combined damage exceeds the bodies ability to absorb damage. However, it is not possible for you to enact your own Final Death in this manner, even if the damage absorbed is aggravated damage. Instead, the user will go into torpor upon the completion of the use of this power.
 +A user with the Martyr nature and/or Demeanor cannot gain willpower from using this power by itself.
 +==== In play ====
 +This section describes how the power is experienced by others when it is used, to give an indication on the effects with regards to the Masquerade.
 +=== Experience for the victim ===
 +The victim affected by this power feels their suffering being lifted from them as they are returned to health, pain ending, vision returning to their eyes if they were blind, etc.
 +In some cases, the victim may catch a glimpse of the True Faith aura (but not any other aura'​s) of the user, as if they were using Auspex 2. This only applies towards the user and only towards their True Faith aura.
 +=== Experience for bystanders ===
 +A bystander observing the use of this power will notice the user holding their hands close. If any injuries or afflictions are visible, the bystander will see them heal on the victim and erupt on the user. No aura's are visible. If no injury or affliction is visible, the bystander will not see anything beyond the user holding their hands over the victim.
 +=== Experience for the user ===
 +The user of this power is overcome by a sudden pain and discomfort as she absorbs the suffering of the victim. In a short moment, the user experiences every pain, discomfort and feeling that the victims conditions caused them from the first moment of being affected up to the current moment. Afterwards, the suffering experienced by the user merges into the pains and discomfort of the transferred injuries and conditions that the user is now subject to. 
 +Having experienced it themselves, the user often has a better understanding of the suffering of their victim, but they do not gain any special bonuses or insights about them.
 +===== •• Rank 2 Power =====
 +// See also: [[notes:​True Faith proposal]] //
 ===== Acquiring True Faith ===== ===== Acquiring True Faith =====
 The True Faith trait requires a [[#Divine Mission]] before each point can be bought, next to the XP cost. The True Faith trait requires a [[#Divine Mission]] before each point can be bought, next to the XP cost.
-True Faith is treated as a Discipline for bookkeeping purposes, but some different rules apply than would for a normal Discipline. First off, Kindred cannot have True Faith at all without the [[True Believer]] ​merrit.  Once they have taken this merrit, each rank in True Faith costs XP as if it were an out of clan Discipline.+True Faith is treated as a Discipline for bookkeeping purposes, but some different rules apply than would for a normal Discipline. First off, Kindred cannot have True Faith at all without the [[#True Believer]] ​merit.  Once they have taken this merit, each rank in True Faith costs XP as if it were an out of clan Discipline.
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 ==== True Believer ==== ==== True Believer ====
-The following ​merrit ​is proposed to replace the True Faith merrit ​listed in the book. It places the additional requirement of a Divine Mission (see below), the character still needs to buy their first point of true faith (instead of getting it for free) and it no longer grants True Faith to all willpower and all virtue checks.+The following ​merit is proposed to replace the True Faith merit listed in the book. It places the additional requirement of a Divine Mission (see below), the character still needs to buy their first point of true faith (instead of getting it for free) and it no longer grants True Faith to all willpower and all virtue checks.
 <WRAP data box round> <WRAP data box round>
-**True Believer ​Merrit**+**True Believer ​Merit**
-You have a deep-seathed faith in and love for God, or whatever name you choose to call the Almighty. Because of your deep beliefs, you can learn True Faith despite being a Kindred. You must still meet all qualifications before being able to take this merrit.+You have a deep-seathed faith in and love for God, or whatever name you choose to call the Almighty. Because of your deep beliefs, you can learn True Faith despite being a Kindred. You must still meet all qualifications before being able to take this merit.
-This merrit ​cannot be taken at character creation. To take this merrit, you must have Humanity 9, you must complete a Divine Mission (see True Faith) and you must have permission from the Storyteller. There is no cost otherwise.+This merit cannot be taken at character creation. To take this merit, you must complete a Divine Mission (see True Faith) and you must have permission from the Storyteller. There is no cost otherwise.
-To keep the benefits of this merrit, you must maintain Humanity 9, keep faith in your religion and stick to the tenets of your belief system. In general, you would agree with the Storyteller what requirements your faith places upon you.+To keep the benefits of this merit, you must keep faith in your religion and stick to the tenets of your belief system. In general, you would agree with the Storyteller what requirements your faith places upon you.
-NOTE: You do not get any benefits beyond having access to True Faith. All points, including the first, need to be bought in addition to this merrit.+**Note**: You do not get any benefits beyond having access to True Faith. All points, including the first, need to be bought in addition to this merit.
-NOTE 2: This merrit ​was written specifically for Elisabeth-Maria. Other faiths may have different requirements.+**Note**: This merit was written specifically for Elisabeth-Maria. Other faiths may have different requirements.
 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-===== Powers ​=====+===== True Faith and Auspex ​=====
-//The Faith Trait, like any other, has a rating of 1 to 5. Exactly what protection is afforded to the individual by the Trait depends on this rating, as described below. Of course, these are just guidelines. Storytellers should amend them as required to fit the tone or add drama to their stories.//+<WRAP data box round>
-=== • Power I (10 xp, Divine Mission) ===+**True Faith Aura**
-[Later in te vulleneerst de kern goedkeuren]+True Faith permanently modifies the aura of the person with a Faith ratingallowing someone with Auspex to identify them. The strength of their Faith determines the brightness and exact shape of the halo.
-=== •• Power II (7 xpDivine Mission===+At faith ratings of 0True Faith is still barely detectable in the aura, and at least 4 successes in an Auspex check are necessary for it to even be noticed (it is a "​subtle shift"- the faithful is otherwise treated normally for purposes of Auspex. ​
-[Later in te vulleneerst de kern goedkeuren]+At faith ratings 12 and 3, True Faith is immediately obvious to the user of Auspex, regardless of the number of successes. They can otherwise detect emotion, supernatural status, etc normally as per the Auspex rules.
-=== ••• Power III (14 xpDivine Mission) ===+At faith ratings 4 and 5it becomes harder to sense the emotions of the person with True Faith as the radiance of True Faith begins to overpower the colours in the aura. It is still possible to detect non-colour aspects of the aura, such as sharp flickering if the subject is daydreaming,​ rapidly rippling colours if the subject is frenzying, etc, but colour provides no hint as to their emotions. ​
-[Later in te vulleneerst de kern goedkeuren]+At faith rating 6 or higherTrue Faith overpowers any other aura the user may evoke, even seeming blindingly bright to those using Auspex. It is no longer possible to tell emotions, nor is it possible to tell any patterns, details of brightness or other details. As such, Auspex cannot be used to identify any supernatural nature or lack thereof.
-=== •••• Power IV (21 xpDivine Mission) === +//​Special://​ Aura's of the faithful often follow certain expectations linked to their individual religions. A Christian'​s aurafor examplemay take the form of a silver-gold ring above the head and an Islamic aura may take the form of silver-gold flames around the body as in Persian miniatures. It is encouraged for the possessor of True Faith to fill in these details themselves and describe them with their character. ​
- +
-[Later in te vulleneerst de kern goedkeuren] +
- +
-=== ••••• Power V (28 xp, Divine Mission) === +
- +
-[Later ​in te vullen, eerst de kern goedkeuren]+
 +A clear view of this aura (the number of successes in Auspex required may vary with the aura's strength at the discretion of the Storyteller,​ suggested 5 - True Faith rating) may allow the user of Auspex to use Intelligence + Academics to determine the religion of the subject.
 +Additionally,​ a Perception + Occult check may allow an informed user of Auspex (who is aware of what True Faith is) to determine the generic strength of the faith of the subject. Success allows them to see in which of the above four groups the subject falls, while 4 or more successes allows them to determine the exact level. As a special consideration,​ no check is required to identify a faith rating of 6+ - this is immediately obvious to even a novice user of Auspex.
rules/true_faith.1454019881.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/01/28 23:24 by Brend