Berlin by Night

After the fall of the wall... Bleigh!

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rules:true_faith [2016/07/15 17:28]
Mercury [True Believer]
rules:true_faith [2016/10/18 17:26] (current)
Line 4: Line 4:
 Description [wiki]: You have a deep-seated faith in and love for God Description [wiki]: You have a deep-seated faith in and love for God
 Image [image]: :​true_faith.png Image [image]: :​true_faith.png
-Book [link]: http://​​berlin/​tools/​book/​antagonists.html#​true-faith 
 </​data>​ </​data>​
Line 99: Line 98:
 This merit cannot be taken at character creation. To take this merit, you must complete a Divine Mission (see True Faith) and you must have permission from the Storyteller. There is no cost otherwise. This merit cannot be taken at character creation. To take this merit, you must complete a Divine Mission (see True Faith) and you must have permission from the Storyteller. There is no cost otherwise.
-To keep the benefits of this merit, you must maintain [[Humanity]] 9, keep faith in your religion and stick to the tenets of your belief system. In general, you would agree with the Storyteller what requirements your faith places upon you.+To keep the benefits of this merit, you must keep faith in your religion and stick to the tenets of your belief system. In general, you would agree with the Storyteller what requirements your faith places upon you.
 **Note**: You do not get any benefits beyond having access to True Faith. All points, including the first, need to be bought in addition to this merit. **Note**: You do not get any benefits beyond having access to True Faith. All points, including the first, need to be bought in addition to this merit.
rules/true_faith.1468596488.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/07/15 17:28 by Mercury