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exalted2.5:social_influence [2014/05/11 21:23]
Brend [Social Traits]
exalted2.5:social_influence [2016/01/17 14:12] (current)
nielsvantol [Mental Defense Value Modifiers]
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 Characters with an Appearance of at least 3 can change their demeanor to target a Virtue other than Conviction. Characters with an attractive Appearance may choose to target Temperance. Characters with an imposing Appearance may choose to target Valor. This change in demeanor is obvious to the defender and to bystanders. Characters with an Appearance of at least 3 can change their demeanor to target a Virtue other than Conviction. Characters with an attractive Appearance may choose to target Temperance. Characters with an imposing Appearance may choose to target Valor. This change in demeanor is obvious to the defender and to bystanders.
-**Intimacy, Virtue or Motivation**:​ Intimacies, virtues and motivation modify the MDV as normal ​(p.172).+**Intimacy, Virtue or Motivation**:​ Intimacies, virtues and motivation modify the MDV as per the original rules (p.172) ​with the exception that virtues modify MDV by -1 or +1 and intimacies by -2 or +2.
exalted2.5/social_influence.1399836182.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/05/11 21:23 by Brend