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Exalted 2.5

This is the design namespace for all things related to Exalted 2.5.

Social Influence

The current social system offers only a binary choice: succeed at convincing someone, or fail completely. This does not represent the subtleties of influencing someone. The system also throws in Unnatural Mental Influence as the primary method for Charms to interact with social situations.

This page presents a different approach to social influencing.


Static Excellencies

Normal excellencies bog down the game with needless choices about resource usage, and oversized dice pools. On this page you can find a different form of excellency: the static excellency.

This excellency replaces all the normal excellency-related Charms, unless stated otherwise.


exalted2.5/start.1399836217.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/05/11 21:23 by Brend