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Static Excellencies

Normal excellencies bog down the game with needless choices about resource usage, and oversized dice pools. On this page you can find a different form of excellency: the static excellency.

Infinite (Trait) Excellency

Instead of requiring activation the Infinite (Trait) Excellency is a permanent effect, offering you a +1 automatic success per excellency. It is possible to have multiple excellencies on the same trait, though the amount is limited depending on the type of Exalt.

Infinite (Trait) Excellency

Cost: -; Mins: (Trait) 1, Essence 1; Type: Permanent
Keywords: -
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite Charms: None

The overwhelming influence of essence allows the character to succeed where lesser peers fail. This Charm adds one success to a roll of the relevant Trait. Each success added by this Charm is the equivalent of purchasing two dice with charms. Successes granted by this Charm do not prevent botches.

This Charm also enhances the unrolled use of the relevant Trait. Each excellency increases his effective rating by two.

It is explicitly allowed to forfeit the bonus from this Charm on any roll.


Solars buy their excellencies on Abilities.

Solars can have at most (Essence) excellencies per Ability. Furthermore, they are limited in the amount of excellencies depending on the rating of the Ability. Solars can buy their first excellency at Essence 1, Ability 1; their second at Essence 2, Ability 3, and their third at Essence 3, Ability 5. Any further purchases are limited only by their Essence.

Excellencies cost the normal amount of experience for buying a charm.


Lunars buy their excellencies on Attributes.

Lunars can have at most (Essence) excellencies per Attribute. Furthermore, they are limited in the amount of excellencies depending on the rating of the Attribute. Lunars can buy their first excellency at Essence 1, Attribute 3; their second at Essence 2, Attribute 4, and the third at Essence 3, Attribute 5. Any further purchases are limited only by their Essence.

Excellencies cost the normal amount of experience for bying a charm.

exalted2.5/static_excellencies.1412887223.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/09 22:40 by Brend