====== Gabbriella di Firenzi ====== Description [wiki] : Sire of [[Markus Chemnitz]] Image [image] : ic:gabbriella.jpg Type [ref] : Kindred Bloodline [ref] : Lasombra Clan [ref] : Clan Ventrue Allegiance [ref] : Haven [ref] : Sire [ref] : Giangaleazzo Tags [ref]* : New York City, Manhattan Trains [rule]* : Gabbriella di Firenzi is a former late Renaissance Italian noblewoman and spymaster who was embraced by [[Giangaleazzo]], the Lasombra prince of Milan, as a means of helping to forestall attempts on his life by both the Sabbat and the Inquisition. She moved between the Kindred and Kine courts of Europe for many years, eventually becoming a power in her own right. With the rise of Metternich in the 19th century, she took an interest in the emerging apparatus of mortal spy agencies. The increasing interest in the occult during the fin de ciecle prompted her to use her network to protect the Masquerade. She is considered part of the overarching efforts by the Camarilla to protect the Masquerade and had made contacts with many important Kindred in the pursuit of this goal. She also maintains a sizeable network of kine who are, for the most part, ignorant of the person they are truly working for and why. ===== Personality ===== Gabriella has seen generations of kine come and go, and has lost more Kindred friends and acquaintances to Final Death than she would care to mention. As a result she is fairly blasé about individuals, whilst caring deeply about organisations and their continuity. She maintains a regal mask when interacting with those who are not her inferiors. Her posture might even be mistaken for wit, if it weren't for the lack of a soul behind her black pooled eyes. Detached from her long-lost humanity, the only emotions she truly shows are hatred and hunger. It is through a display of these that she sometimes slips up. When it comes to those she considers under her command, she is cruel and demanding. Only obedience, and competent obedience at that, will do. Servants who disobey her are disposable. Servants who fail her are disposable. Those who prove themselves very useful may yet be granted the gift of eternal unlife. Or they might still be disposable if their usefulness is likely to run out.