====== Nicolette Daumier ====== Description [wiki] : Self-confident socialite that does not believe in Clan or Sect divisions, the Keeper of Elysium Image [image] : ic:nicolette-daumier.png Type [ref] : Kindred Bloodline [ref] : Toreador Clan [ref] : Clan Toreador Allegiance [ref] : Court of the Prince Haven [ref] : Sire [ref] : Tags [ref]* : Camarilla, New York City, Manhattan, Keeper of Elysium Trains [rule]* : Originally coming from Quebec, Nicolette Daumier was distrusted for half a decade by the Camarilla kindred of [[manhattan]]. With [[the mascotte]] declaring her the new [[Keeper of Elysium]] this mistrust evaporated almost overday as she was put in a influential, and more importantly, neutral position.