====== Person (template) ======
This is the template for people.
@@Image [image::300]|ic:default-person.png@@
@@Description[wiki]@@ <*if tags>//[ @@tags@@ ]// {{list> ?sheet[link::◢] | ?sheet is a: character_sheet; ?sheet Character[ref]: [[]] }}
template {
?p is a: person
?p[text] = @@.subject[text]@@
optional {
?p Sire[ref]: ?sire
optional {
?childer is a: person
?childer Sire[ref]: ?p
group {
**Domitor: ** @@domitor@@
**Herd of: ** @@herd of@@
template {
?ghouls is a: person
?ghouls Domitor[ref]: ?dom
?dom[text] = @@.subject[text]@@
group {
**Haven:** @@haven@@
{{list> ?discipline[imagelink::32] " " | ?p is a: person; ?p Trains[rule]: ?discipline; ?p[test] = @@.subject@@}}
@@->fields|exclude=image,tags,haven,description,clan,allegiance,type,character sheet,trains,bloodline,sire,domitor,herd of@@
<*if !description>Without a description, this person will not be listed in the index.
<*if clan>{{list> ?clan[imagelink::32] | ?clan is a: clan; ?clan[text] = @@Clan@@}} {{list> ?allegiance[imagelink::32::ic:default-faction.png::Faction Emblem] " " | ?p is a: person; ?p[text] = @@.subject@@; ?p Allegiance[ref]: ?allegiance}}
<*if bloodline>{{list> ?bloodline[imagelink::32] | ?bloodline is a: bloodline; ?bloodline[text] = @@Bloodline@@}}<*if type>{{list> ?type[imagelink::32] | ?type is a: type; ?type[text] = @@Type@@}}
<*if sire>**Sire:** @@sire@unique@@ <*if childer>**(Childer:** @@childer@unique@@**)**
**Ghouls:** @@ghouls@@