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An ex-gang member with a tangent for history [ Camarilla, New York City, Manhattan ] ◢
Haven: Eze's Coffee
Dwayne “DMZ” Thompson stands about 205 cm tall, tall. Weighing in at 110 kilograms he stands as an intimidating presence in any room, vampirism has not made this any less so. Dwayne looks to be in his thirties and hails from african american descent. Dwayne likes to wear clothing that shows off his muscles, though most clothing has to be adjusted to fit his size, he specifically avoids wearing either red of blue clothing.
Dwayne grew up in the streets of Los Angeles, his father went missing when he was young and he spent much of his life growing up with his aunt. He spent his youth doing wrestling until he was old enough to get picked up by the gang members. His teen years were spent properly on the streets, part of the bloods gang. Dwayne learned to fend for himself and take care of his own as he obtained the paranoia of other gangs that is most often found in surviving gang members.
Around the age of twenty five a drug deal went particularly south, and Dwayne decided he couldn't remain a gang member for the rest of life, as that would be pretty short. Finding a way out he applied to the United States Marine Corps. Though he went through basic training, his time in the army was rather quiet, signing up after the entire vietnam war was done and over with. Most of the time was spent in the gym or playing ball.
Having served a term in the military, Dwayne took advantage of the GI bill to finish his high school education and enroll in a community college to follow one of his great passions of learning history. During this time he tried his best to sideline himself on any criminal activity, however this is not always easy. Getting together enough money for a motorcycle license and a motorcycle he got involved in certain criminal acts again.
One of the local gang lords turned out to be a Brujah vampire who took notice of Dwayne for his impressive size and strength. After skirting his prey for some time, Dwayne was embraced and turned into kindred. With Brujah blood coursing through his veins, Dwayne's criminal past has come up again. Added resistance to gunfire has made Dwayne a very potent protector.
Dwayne is not yet finished with life, be it unlife. He desires to finally create a stable place of his own where he can provide protection and a place to life for others without a constant threat of violence. The long term ambitions encompass documentation on kindred history, and piecing together the many shards strewn throughout history.