Five Boroughs

Dark nights in the Five Boroughs of the besieged New York City.

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ic:markus_chemnitz [2018/06/19 10:12]
roald Info dump
ic:markus_chemnitz [2018/10/29 16:30] (current)
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 Allegiance [ref]       : ​ Allegiance [ref]       : ​
-Haven [ref]            +Haven [ref]*           Church of Our Lady of Kovno, 200 Brighton 15th Street
 Sire [ref]             : [[ic:​Gabbriella di Firenzi]] Sire [ref]             : [[ic:​Gabbriella di Firenzi]]
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 ~~NOTOC~~ ~~NOTOC~~
-A former ​spy with a backstory that is yet to be put down here.+**Markus Chemnitz** is a Kindred of the Lasombra bloodline. ​A former ​agent of the East German Stasi, he intends ​to turn his skills against the Sabbat, who are hunting him down and whom he believes killed his Sire.
 ===== Appearance ===== ===== Appearance =====
-A description here+With blonde hair and blue eyes, this young man appears to be in his mid to late twenties. He is passingly handsome, if a bit anaemic, though his expression usually appears serious and devoid of charm. Whether this is German humourlessness or something darker is not immediately apparent.
 ===== Background ===== ===== Background =====
-Born in Karl-Marx-Stadt in 1961 +Markus was born in Karl-Marx-Stadt in 1961. His ambitious parents had joined the SED during the early years of the Republic. As a result they were well-connected in the local party and considered reliable by the GDR Ministry of State Securitycommonly known as the Stasi, who relied on them as informal informers
-Parents ​were well-connected in the local party and considered reliable by the Stasi. Second in his class in high schoolhe attended ​the EOS and spent 3 years in the reconnaissance company of the Felix Dzerzhinsky Guard Regiment+
-He was recruited for intelligence work in the Main Directorate for Reconnaissance (German: Hauptverwaltung Aufklärungor HVA), the foreign intelligence service of the GDR Ministry ​of State Security, commonly known as the Stasi.+As a child he was quiet and hard-workingan avid soccer playerthough not //too// intellectually curious. At age 14 he was approached by his uncle - a Stasi agent - to become an informal informer, signing a loyalty pledge and occasionally reporting on his classmates and their parents. Markus graduated high school second in his class. ​ After this he attended ​the EOS and spent 3 years in the reconnaissance company ​of the prestigious Felix Dzerzhinsky Guard Regiment. He guarded buildings and officials when not receiving special reconnaissance training, and going on various exercises
-After the Stasi was disbanded ​in 1990its mode of operation ​was revealed to the public.+When his national service term was about to end, Markus was recruited for intelligence work in the Main Directorate for Reconnaissance (German: Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung,​ or HVA), part of the Stasi's foreign intelligence service. He received extensive training at the College of Reconnaissance ​in the Dammsmühle bei Mühlenbeckwith 4 courses including Marxist–Leninist training, politics, and history, five courses on "​Special Operations"​ and methodology ​of service work including Operative Psychology, Security and Law, as well as foreign residency training. He was also given English language training at the College of Foreign Languages in the same building
-The primary mandate of the HVA was foreign reconnaissance (espionage)which included political, military, economic and technological intelligence-gathering. Among its other duties were activities against western intelligence agencies (by means of infiltrating their operations),​ preparing acts of sabotage. In particular: the early discovery of Western war preparations from the HVA, in light of the rising tensions between the two Cold War superpowers.+<<​mission in USemail>>​
-The KGB was headquartered ​in Berlin-Karlshorstthe Soviet Union'​s secret service ​was located in Potsdam-Babelsbergand in addition, liaisons were present to each district administration. Successful operations against NATO headquarters in Brussels, as well as some other Western European states, such as Great Britain also contributed to the HVA's significanceIn the United States, on the contrary, ​the HVA was never able to break any ground, as the KGB operated there almost exclusively. (The significant inroads in the GDR's reconnaissance ​on, for example, the NSA originated from personnel stationed in West Berlin.)+While attached to the embassy ​in New Yorkhe was noticed by [[ic:​Gabbriella di Firenzi]], the childer of the Lasombra Prince [[http://​​wiki/​Giangaleazzo|Giangaleazzo ]]while she was carrying out her duties ​on behalf of the Camarilla. He was initially recruited into her network through ​the use of Dominateacting unknowingly ​as a double agent on her behalf
-Organisation and structure 
-In 1989 the HVA had 21 sections (Abteilungen) and 5 task forces (Arbeitsgruppen). In addition, there was the Headquarters of the HVA (Stab der HVA) and the Sector for Science and Technology (Sektor Wissenschaft und Technik) (SWT), responsible for technological espionage, whose responsibilities were spread across sections. 
-Sections VII, IX, X and task force S were directly subordinated to the head of the HVA, Colonel General Werner Großmann. 
-From 1968 on, it was called "​Fachrichtung für Aufklärung der JHS" ("​College of Reconnaissance of the JHS"), and was later renamed to "​Sektion A" ("​Section A"). The "​Fremdsprachenschule des MfS" ("​College of Foreign Languages of the Ministry for State Security"​),​ also referred to as "​Educational Department F", was attached to it. In 1988, the HVA College, including the College of Foreign Languages, previously located in Dammsmühle bei Mühlenbeck,​ moved to Lake Seddin in Gosen near the Berlin city limits, approximately 4.5 miles (3 kilometers) south of the city of Erkner. The backup bunker for the headquarters of the HVA was also located there. It worked in close cooperation with "Dept. A XIX", and was structured into three Educational Departments:​ 
-Educational Dept. A: Training for political operatives. Dean: Lieutenant Helmut Eck. 4 courses including Marxist–Leninist training, politics, and history. 
-Educational Dept. B: "​Special Operations"​ and methodology of service work. Dean: Lieutenant Horst Klugow. 5 courses, including Operative Psychology, Security and Law, as well as foreign residency training. 
-Educational Dept. F: College of Foreign Languages. Dean: Lieutenant Manfred Fröhlich. Responsible for the language training for missions abroad, as well as interpreter-training. 
-Full time 
-The HVA had more than 3,800 full-time employees in 1989. Among them were, according to the agency'​s directory, approximately 2,400 professional agents and 700 deputies, 700 unofficial employees, and 670 special agents (Offiziere im besonderen Einsatz). In the course of the HVA's self-disestablishment,​ the number of employees rose at times above 4,200. 
-The HVA associates regarded themselves to be the elite of the Ministry of State Security. A high degree of personal engagement, flexibility,​ performance,​ and primarily absolute loyalty to the SED was expected of them. Qualified employees of other Stasi departments,​ such as those with secondary educational degrees, knowledge of foreign languages, etc., could, as a reward for "​remarkable achievements",​ be transferred to the HVA as needed, which was akin to a decoration. On the other hand, HVA personnel could, due to inadequate performance or following an investigation,​ be transferred to other departments of the Stasi, practically constituting a demotion. 
-Unofficial and other employees 
-The full-time staff of the HVA were complemented by the "​unofficial collaborators"​ or "​unofficial employees",​ the so-called IMs (Inoffizieller Mitarbeiter),​ the exact number of which is still not known. These were primarily GDR citizens with permission to travel to the West (the Reisekader; conversely, only a fraction of those with travel permission were IMs), residents of East Germany who were related to "​functionally interesting"​ target persons in the West, couriers and instructors,​ but also thousands of residents of West Germany and West Berlin, partly in exposed positions in society. 
-The HVA was particularly interested in recruiting Western students who were visiting the GDR. These were young academics who were suitable for leadership roles and therefore particularly predestined for confidential information;​ they were developed over decades at a high financial and personnel cost, with the goal of placing them in high positions in the state and the economy, through which they gained access to secret information. 
-The actual sources of espionage operations in the West were not necessarily registered as IMs with the HVA (or the Ministry of State Security). In many cases, they were noted as Kontaktpersonen (KP) (contact persons), which reveals little about the degree of cooperation with the intelligence service. 
-The headquarters of the HVA was situated since the mid- to late 1950s in the building complex of the Stasi'​s headquarters in the Berlin borough of Lichtenberg. After completion of the new office buildings at the corner of Ruschestraße and Frankfurter Allee, the HVA established its base of operations there. ​ 
-* Prestigious Sire is Gabbriella di Firenzi, childer of Prince Gian Galeazzo Visconti, childer of the wise monk. 
 * Contacts and resources in  green book.  * Contacts and resources in  green book. 
 > **Backgrounds** Backgrounds beschrijven een relatie van je character tot de wereld (zelfs Generation doet dat via je Sire). Ik zou daarom graag de backgrounds die mensen kiezen verklaard willen zien in de character history (uitzondering hierop is de Clan background -- deze is al verklaard door de keuze van Clan). ​ > **Backgrounds** Backgrounds beschrijven een relatie van je character tot de wereld (zelfs Generation doet dat via je Sire). Ik zou daarom graag de backgrounds die mensen kiezen verklaard willen zien in de character history (uitzondering hierop is de Clan background -- deze is al verklaard door de keuze van Clan). ​
 > **Character history** Ik wil graag een paar paragraafjes aan character background zodat ik je character wat beter kan plaatsen in de wereld. Minimaal zou ik graag de volgende dingen in een character history en/of wiki pagina zien: > **Character history** Ik wil graag een paar paragraafjes aan character background zodat ik je character wat beter kan plaatsen in de wereld. Minimaal zou ik graag de volgende dingen in een character history en/of wiki pagina zien:
->   - Verklaringen voor de Backgrounds van je character, je Clan background dot hoeft niet verklaard te worden 
->   - Verklaringen voor Specialities van je character: specialities zijn specifieke training en daarom is het relevant voor mij hoe je character die heeft verkregen 
 >   - Als nodig een stukje over je Sire, zeker van belang als je Generation neemt >   - Als nodig een stukje over je Sire, zeker van belang als je Generation neemt
-> Ik raad sterk aan (lees: "ik zou het heel fijn vinden als") om ook in te gaan op de volgende zaken: 
->   - Waar van toepassing is het handig om ook je Merits and Flaws mee te nemen in je character history 
 >   - Een paragraaf of twee over "​During Life": wat voor leven had je character voor de embrace, en wat voor dingen waren de normale situatie voor je character? >   - Een paragraaf of twee over "​During Life": wat voor leven had je character voor de embrace, en wat voor dingen waren de normale situatie voor je character?
 >   - Een kort paragraafje over de motivatie van je character: om als vampier weder te keren na je dood heb je wilskracht of een krachtige Sire nodig, en de meeste lui met veel wilskracht hebben een zekere "​drive"​. Wat is de drive van je character, en hoe ver zou deze gaan om dat te bereiken? ​ >   - Een kort paragraafje over de motivatie van je character: om als vampier weder te keren na je dood heb je wilskracht of een krachtige Sire nodig, en de meeste lui met veel wilskracht hebben een zekere "​drive"​. Wat is de drive van je character, en hoe ver zou deze gaan om dat te bereiken? ​
 Contacts: Contacts:
--x, a former KGB spy whose employment has ceased. He cannot return to Russia and wishes for his status to remain covert. Not in the know about the supernatural but deeply able.+[[ic:​Polishchuk Yevgeniy]] (Zhenya) (Codename: Golfball), a former KGB spy whose employment has ceased. He cannot return to Russia and wishes for his status to remain covert. Not in the know about the supernatural but deeply able.
 Accepted into clan Ventrue and given an apartment for a month. Accepted into clan Ventrue and given an apartment for a month.
-   * Decipher the green book 
-   * Vengeance! 
-   * Dagger 
-   * Renaissance Italian coins 
-   * Pistol (make? bullets?) 
-   * Green book 
-   * Reinforced ​ trenchcoat and matching jeans (adds one soak to armour) 
-   * Plain black suit (500 dollar) 
-   * NVA Greatcoat 
 ===== Blood Dolls ===== ===== Blood Dolls =====
ic/markus_chemnitz.1529395928.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/06/19 10:12 by roald