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This page is about the position of scourge, the current scourge is Melynda Grissom.
The scourge patrols the borders of a princedom, seeking out and often destroying newcomers who have failed to present themselves, and making sure that no foreign groups encroach on the Prince's domain. A scourge may, with the approval of the Prince, appoint deputy scourges to support the protection of the prince's domain.
The Scourge has the authority to recruit any kindred they deem fit for missions of importance. Normally, the Scourge exercises this right by informing the primogen of the matter and the specific expertises required. When time is of the essence this courtesy is usually omitted in favour of direct recruitment.
Additionally, the scourge has the right to declare martial law over any domain, territory or part of the city, thereby requiring all kindred in the territory to execute any orers received from the scourge or deputies to the fullest of their abilities, including the use of any strategic or tactical assets. Failure to comply with such orders is considered treason, and is dealt with as such.