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The Mascotte

The creature declaring and backing the Keeper of Elysium of the 69th Regiment Armory [ New York City ]

Haven: 69th Regiment Armory

The Mascotte, sometimes called the Wolfhound or Cú Faoil, is a creature residing in the 69th Regiment Armory. Consensus has been reached among the kindred society of new York that the creature is not hostile towards anything, and cares little about the conflict between the Camarilla and the Sabbat. However, if the rules of Elysium are broken, the creature shows no hesitation in forcibly ejecting the culprit, or in cases of severe transgression even outright destroying the guilty party.

The Mascotte does not speak, except to declare a kindred the “Keeper of Elysium”. When it does so, it is in a voice that sounds as if stones are ground together to create the sound. So far, the Mascotte has only declared a new Keeper of Elysium when the previous one has left New York.

The Mascotte has first been sighted in 1908, one year after the completion of the 69th Regiment Armory construction. The first time the Armory was used as an Elysium was in 1913, during the Armory Show. The armory has been used as a neutral Elysium since the first world war.

History of the name

The peculiar spelling of the creature's name is due to a visiting toreador from Paris being kicked out of the armory after being chided twice by the Keeper of Elysium on his behaviour towards several of the ladies at the social event. The third time, he was violently ejected from the building by the Mascotte.

Afterwards, he loudly complained in provençal that the “mascotto” — the feminine diminutive of “masco” (en.: witch) — ought to be taken by the fires of hell. His intent was most likely to insult the Keeper, or the ladies he pestered, but the name stuck as referring to the creature itself, especially since the armory is home to the Fighting Sixty-Ninth, with the Irish Wolfhound as their mascot.

ic/the_mascotte.1477825749.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/10/30 12:09 by Brend