Five Boroughs

Dark nights in the Five Boroughs of the besieged New York City.

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notes:elisabeth-maria_holstein_stories [2019/03/09 18:20]
Mercury [Other Friends]
notes:elisabeth-maria_holstein_stories [2019/03/18 09:26] (current)
Mercury [Elysium]
Line 226: Line 226:
 | {{ic:​jacqueline_eslinger.png?​80}} ^ Poledancer | | {{ic:​jacqueline_eslinger.png?​80}} ^ Poledancer |
 | ::: | Elysium took place in a rather seedy dancing, but as predicted by Chocolat, the dancer named Jaqueline Eslinger was really, really skilled. The Prince will want to see her, and if she performs well, maybe we'll be able to help her find a better place in life //(Session 87)//! To get her to perform though, I'll need '​references',​ and Emily suggested I should go visit her with someone to ask about what she needs //(Session 90)//. Emily helped to arrange the necessary references, and when I went to visit Jaqueline with Lindsey, she agreed to come perform //(Session 93)//. I asked Julia if we could have a pole set up in the ballroom for her performance,​ but she said no... //(Session 95)// Emily came to me that the appointment needs to be arranged, we talked about how to set it up a bit, and I need to go ask the Prince //(Session 96)//. The Prince said no to the pole, and suggested I ask Miss Eslinger what she needs //(Session 98)//. I arranged for Jacqueline to perform for the Prince next Thursday, and I spoke about her future at Elysium. Nicolas may offer her a chance to dance at his clubs and Christine said she'd try to arrange something for her in Paris. I hope she can manage before Thursday... //(Session 99)//. The dancer made it here, but her performance was -not- to the Prince'​s liking and I may have angered her. At least Christine managed to come through and we're arranging for some extra training and a trip to France for her //(Session 100)//. I asked Emily to arrange the trip for Jaqueline, so it should soon be sorted //(Session 101)//. Nicolas and Christine both want another demonstration of the dancer //(Session 102)//. Gabriella got her dad to agree to allow the performance at her house //(Session 103)//. Jacqueline left quite an impression on everyone and eventually decided to stay in New York with Nicolas //(Session 104)//! | | ::: | Elysium took place in a rather seedy dancing, but as predicted by Chocolat, the dancer named Jaqueline Eslinger was really, really skilled. The Prince will want to see her, and if she performs well, maybe we'll be able to help her find a better place in life //(Session 87)//! To get her to perform though, I'll need '​references',​ and Emily suggested I should go visit her with someone to ask about what she needs //(Session 90)//. Emily helped to arrange the necessary references, and when I went to visit Jaqueline with Lindsey, she agreed to come perform //(Session 93)//. I asked Julia if we could have a pole set up in the ballroom for her performance,​ but she said no... //(Session 95)// Emily came to me that the appointment needs to be arranged, we talked about how to set it up a bit, and I need to go ask the Prince //(Session 96)//. The Prince said no to the pole, and suggested I ask Miss Eslinger what she needs //(Session 98)//. I arranged for Jacqueline to perform for the Prince next Thursday, and I spoke about her future at Elysium. Nicolas may offer her a chance to dance at his clubs and Christine said she'd try to arrange something for her in Paris. I hope she can manage before Thursday... //(Session 99)//. The dancer made it here, but her performance was -not- to the Prince'​s liking and I may have angered her. At least Christine managed to come through and we're arranging for some extra training and a trip to France for her //(Session 100)//. I asked Emily to arrange the trip for Jaqueline, so it should soon be sorted //(Session 101)//. Nicolas and Christine both want another demonstration of the dancer //(Session 102)//. Gabriella got her dad to agree to allow the performance at her house //(Session 103)//. Jacqueline left quite an impression on everyone and eventually decided to stay in New York with Nicolas //(Session 104)//! |
 +| IMAGE TODO ^ New Years | 
 +| ::: | I bought a new gown in preparation for new years //(Session 93)// We celebrated New Years Eve in the Empire State Building - it went better than the 4th of July despite me being hungry. We also had a second New Years celebration in the monthly Open Elysium - I had to get another gown of course. It was held in the armory and I danced with Nicholas Dejesus //(Session 95)//. |
 ==== Party ==== ==== Party ====
Line 252: Line 253:
 | {{notes:​gladius.png?​80}} ^ Unacceptable Behaviour | | {{notes:​gladius.png?​80}} ^ Unacceptable Behaviour |
 | :::   | I behaved quite unacceptably towards Dwayne. //(Session 44)//, so I decided to offer my Tiara to Markus Gottschalk in trade for arranging the trip Dwayne is hoping for to Egypt as well as a Gladius I think he'll like. Markus decided to part with them in exchange for me asking the Prince and a huge favour in the future //(Session 45)// | | :::   | I behaved quite unacceptably towards Dwayne. //(Session 44)//, so I decided to offer my Tiara to Markus Gottschalk in trade for arranging the trip Dwayne is hoping for to Egypt as well as a Gladius I think he'll like. Markus decided to part with them in exchange for me asking the Prince and a huge favour in the future //(Session 45)// |
-| {{notes:​debutante_gown_2.png?​80}} ^ Lindsey can'​t ​curtsey ​+| {{notes:​debutante_gown_2.png?​80}} ^ Lindsey can'​t ​courtesy ​
-| ::: | Lindsey does not know how to curtsey, and worse, she bows. That will need to be addressed //(Session 48)//. When arriving in Abu Simbel, I managed to teach Lindsey before we were presented to the Prince there! //(Session 59)// |+| ::: | Lindsey does not know how to courtesy, and worse, she bows. That will need to be addressed //(Session 48)//. When arriving in Abu Simbel, I managed to teach Lindsey before we were presented to the Prince there! //(Session 59)// |
 | {{:​notes:​sites_of_egypt.png?​80}} ^ See the Sights in Egypt | | {{:​notes:​sites_of_egypt.png?​80}} ^ See the Sights in Egypt |
 | ::: | Dwayne wants to see all the sites since we're heading to Egypt anyway and I'm glad to come along and see them too. Before even getting to Egypt, we made a stop in Rome. Upon arrival, we realised we didn't know where the Prince Francesko of Rome was staying, but fortunately,​ Carol helped out. We were allowed to stay for a few nights and we looked at some tourist attractions in the inner city. It was very beautiful! //(Session 47)// We planned a date to see the Pyramids at Giza //(Session 50)//. We visited the Pyramids and the Sphinx - they are HUGE, and we saw a shade of some sort //(Session 51)//. In Luxor we first visited the Temple of Karnak //(Session 54)//, where I had some visions and while visiting the Valley of the Kings, we were beset by some sort of demons //(Session 57)// - they might have been after the guide, but I'm not entirely sure //(Session 58)//. We next flew to Abu Simbel and visited the impressive temples there //(Session 59)//. In Alexandra we visited where the Great Lighthouse once stood, the Necropolis of Kom El Shoqafa (though I did not go inside), Pompey'​s Pillar, the Temple of Taposiris Magna, and various minor locations and I purchased some gifts for my friends back home (including Cierra) //(Session 60)//. Upon returning to New York, I gave gifts to all the friends I left behind, including Egyptian silk scarves for Tamara and Carol, a necklace for Gabriella, alabaster carvings for Cierra, a bust of Nefertiti for Imogen and a plushie camel for Prince Michaella. What a beautiful country! //(Session 63)//. | | ::: | Dwayne wants to see all the sites since we're heading to Egypt anyway and I'm glad to come along and see them too. Before even getting to Egypt, we made a stop in Rome. Upon arrival, we realised we didn't know where the Prince Francesko of Rome was staying, but fortunately,​ Carol helped out. We were allowed to stay for a few nights and we looked at some tourist attractions in the inner city. It was very beautiful! //(Session 47)// We planned a date to see the Pyramids at Giza //(Session 50)//. We visited the Pyramids and the Sphinx - they are HUGE, and we saw a shade of some sort //(Session 51)//. In Luxor we first visited the Temple of Karnak //(Session 54)//, where I had some visions and while visiting the Valley of the Kings, we were beset by some sort of demons //(Session 57)// - they might have been after the guide, but I'm not entirely sure //(Session 58)//. We next flew to Abu Simbel and visited the impressive temples there //(Session 59)//. In Alexandra we visited where the Great Lighthouse once stood, the Necropolis of Kom El Shoqafa (though I did not go inside), Pompey'​s Pillar, the Temple of Taposiris Magna, and various minor locations and I purchased some gifts for my friends back home (including Cierra) //(Session 60)//. Upon returning to New York, I gave gifts to all the friends I left behind, including Egyptian silk scarves for Tamara and Carol, a necklace for Gabriella, alabaster carvings for Cierra, a bust of Nefertiti for Imogen and a plushie camel for Prince Michaella. What a beautiful country! //(Session 63)//. |
Line 291: Line 292:
 | IMAGE TODO ^ Christmas Reaffirmations | | IMAGE TODO ^ Christmas Reaffirmations |
 | ::: | American Christmas is here, so I went and bought some items and supplies, and I made some gifts. I gave the Prince a plush bunny to cuddle with. The prince gave me some new furs, and Carol got me a Snowglobe of Rockerfeller Square - she's so considerate //(Session 91)//! I bought a new dress for the American Christmas Elysium but I think I got the wrong colour - nobody said anything though. At the Elysium, I found out about Santa, I'm not entirely sure how it works yet though and I gave gifts to people, which was wonderful. And when I got Gabriella her gift, she shared her own private ballet room with me //(Session 92)//​. ​ Isaac and Lindsey both got me a lovely gift as well //(Session 93)//. A bit later, I visited the Church to celebrate Orthodox Christmas as well, completing the Christmas celebrations //(Session 96)//. | | ::: | American Christmas is here, so I went and bought some items and supplies, and I made some gifts. I gave the Prince a plush bunny to cuddle with. The prince gave me some new furs, and Carol got me a Snowglobe of Rockerfeller Square - she's so considerate //(Session 91)//! I bought a new dress for the American Christmas Elysium but I think I got the wrong colour - nobody said anything though. At the Elysium, I found out about Santa, I'm not entirely sure how it works yet though and I gave gifts to people, which was wonderful. And when I got Gabriella her gift, she shared her own private ballet room with me //(Session 92)//​. ​ Isaac and Lindsey both got me a lovely gift as well //(Session 93)//. A bit later, I visited the Church to celebrate Orthodox Christmas as well, completing the Christmas celebrations //(Session 96)//. |
-| IMAGE TODO ^ New Years | 
-| ::: | I bought a new gown in preparation for new years //(Session 93)// We celebrated New Years Eve in the Empire State Building - it went better than the 4th of July despite me being hungry. We also had a second New Years celebration in the monthly Open Elysium - I had to get another gown of course. It was held in the armory and I danced with Nicholas Dejesus //(Session 95)//. | 
 ==== Favours ==== ==== Favours ====
notes/elisabeth-maria_holstein_stories.1552152057.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/09 18:20 by Mercury