Five Boroughs

Dark nights in the Five Boroughs of the besieged New York City.

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Stories (Elisabeth-Maria)

This pages logs past and ongoing stories for Elisabeth-Maria Holstein. See also Plans (Elisabeth-Maria)

Open Stories

Stories which have not finished yet.

IMAGE TODO Seeing things Faith
I've been having nightmares - I get those a lot but they seem worse now (Session 71). I even fainted today as the nightmares are interfering with my day (Session 72). A demon took possession of me (Session 74) but with the aid of Reverend Jonah, it was finally exorcised - not before rather upsetting my life though (Session 84). Ever since the Demon was exorcised, I've been having these headackes. I asked Emily for something but she can't really help me (Session 88). I did manage to get some sunglasses, they help a little (Session 89), so I got another more fashionable pair with Gabriella (Session 90). The headackes have gotten worse and I had a particularly bad day today, staying in bed for half the night… (Session 97) and going in early the nights after. I need to find some way to deal with this (Session 98).
IMAGE TODO Unacceptable Party
Marcus came by the School of American Ballet. I have no idea why, but I wasn't at all convinced that he came there to dance. This is a serious school! He did apologize afterward (Session 91). Marcus came by to give me a necklace as a belated Christmas present, but turns out he is a Bolshevic! I don't want anything to do with him now (Session 92). Marcus sent me a packaged, but I left it unopend and I asked Dwayne to give Marcus his gifts back. Marcus tried to confront me, but I walked away and he persisted. Luckily Tamara was able to save me (Session 95). Marcus did not go to Church again for a while (Session 96) but then suddenly showed up again out of the blue. I avoided him there, I don't want to jeopardize it if he found religion (Session 98). Marcus came and rudely interrupted at Elysium again today, despite me being clear about not wanting anything to do with him. Nicolas had a talk with him and when I spoke with him, Nicolas assured me he doesn't like Communists either (Session 99).
IMAGE TODO Angered Prince Friends
I asked a priest to bless the rooms in the Empire State Building but when I checked with the prince, she was rather miffed about the whole thing. I managed to reduce it to just my room, but it was not my intent to upset her (Session 99). I messed up again shortly after when I invited Miss Eslinger to perform for the Prince - it wasn't what she had hoped for and expected, and frankly it wasn't quite what I had hoped either (Session 100). The priest didn't cause any hassle when he blessed my rooms, but Tamara wasn't very pleased the prince had allowed it, so this whole thing has been such a mess… I need to do something to make up for all of this (Session 101).
IMAGE TODO New People Friends?
According to rumours, Nicolas is bringing someone new into the city. They are supposedly from Africa. I went shopping for an outfit for the ceremony of their arrival with Lindsey and Tamara. On the day itself, we discovered another person will be arriving and they might even be a clanless! (Session 102) We witnessed their introduction to the Prince, and I must say that the Traveler - not clanless - named Aruna made a much better impression than Wotan the Toreador. He even pulled me into a date (Session 103)! The date went reasonably well, but Lindsey didn't show up, so it was just us. He told me about his family… (Session 104)
IMAGE TODO New Shoes Friends
Lindsey and I agreed to go shoe shopping. She has such great taste in shoes and I want to do something nice for her (Session 102). We marveled at some of the strange creation and I bought a pair of designer boots for Lindsey. We also selected some for me which I'll pick up next week as Emily didn't give me enough money and said she'd need a few days to get the rest together (Session 103).
IMAGE TODO Fundraiser Friends
Christine and I agreed we'd organize a fundraiser gala for the School of American Ballet (Session 104)!

Main Storyline

Chapter 1: The New World

—————– The New World
Travel to New York
I found a way to enter New York City by ship. The Giovanni graciously received me and guided me to the Prince (Session 1)
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I was presented to the Prince of New York, and was able to receive her Hospitality after a successful presentation. I also met some other recent arrivals, Dwayne "DMZ" Thompson, Isaac Franklin and Kevin White (Session 1)
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Though I don't own all that much, I did come with some luggage, which got left behind with the Giovanni. They were kind enough to return my luggage, as well as the other crate to be delivered to the Empire State Building (Session 3)
Establish a herd
I went with the Prince to the local Rotary Club where she made me a member. After some confusion regarding fasting (Session 5), I managed to establish a herd here (Session 6)
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I wore a golden cord to Elysium (Session 8) and made contact, establishing proper communication soon after (Session 12)
Helping out
My presence in the Empire State Building was disturbing to the staff so I made an effort to prevent future transgressions (Session 9) and helped out with some chores so Mr. Worthington and Julia know I won't be any trouble (Session 10).
bullshit.jpg This is bullshit
While being introduced, the Brujah primogen burst in to complain about missing Brujah members. (Session 1). I was sent with the other new arrivals to investigate so best not disappoint the Prince. We visited a shop and a very strange church, and learned they disappeared in Toreador Territory (Session 2). We found some clues (Session 5) and with the help of Levi Wise and Markus Gottschalk we discovered it was related to a military aircraft plan being stolen and a Brujah rivalry. (Session 6). We wrote a report which was presented in front of all the Primogen (Session 7)

Chapter 2: Taking Root

—————– Taking Root
expandherd.jpg Expand the Herd
I needed more herd at the Rotary, but the Prince seemed to have some reputation problems which affected my ability to do so (Session 11), apparently because she was not very charitable. Luckily the Prince didn't mind if I did some work to fix that (Session 12). After clearing up the misunderstanding, I made some new friends at the Rotary (Session 19) allowing me to eventually expand my Herd (Session 21)
Julia suggested I should get an assistant to help me (Session 12). She eventually arranged someone to help me out with daily needs. Emily Preston seems to be a lot smarter and more organized than myself, so I'm very grateful! (Session 21)
Charity Event
To convince people the Prince was indeed charitable, I organized a charity event, though it didn't really get off the ground until Kevin and Dwayne finally agreed to help (Session 16). With their help, we invited loads of important people and raised $ 1.300.000 for charity, while resolving the Princes reputation problem (Session 18)
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Society requires wearing a different gown to events, and I've been scraping by. Badly. I completely ran out of outfits and having no way to replenish them just won't do (Session 18). Cierra gave me a gown (Session 19), and Lindsey got me one as well (Session 34). Finally, after my performance of Kitri where I had to make my own outfit, the Prince kindly gave me my own clothing budget (Session 37).
Painting Drama
As a new arrival who lived with the Prince, I was asked to pose for a painting in the Toreador gallery (Session 20), and we set a date for it (Session 26). When I went there however, there was some drama over others who also wanted to be in the gallery. I sacrificed having myself painted to avoid hurting anyone's feelings (Session 27)
Amphora Retrieval
Knowing I speak Italian, Kevin White asked me to talk to an Italian professor to make arrangements to receive a haunted Amphora (Session 13). We went to a museum in Central Park to retrieve it so the masquerade is maintained, but it became a bit terrifying when men with guns came in! I fled in fear, but Kevin calmed me down and the others managed to complete the mission (Session 15)
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On behalf of the Camarilla, we were asked to convince someone regarding an airport job. There was some confusion about gender roles (Session 25). I talked to some influential people at the Rotary, to find out who was allowed to decide, and eventually we figured out who to talk to, and arranged a meeting. The meeting was reasonably successful (Session 26), and we finally confirmed our success in the end (Session 28)
Amphora Again
Something further special is going on with the Amphora, so we investigated at the right mystical conjunction (or something), and the ghost took possession of me to speak! The others made some sort of deal which set the ghost free (Session 32)

Chapter 3: The Sabbat

—————– Chapter 3
A different Great War
There is a war going on with the Sabbat and it is more active than it appeared (Session 28), so I arranged a nurse outfit so that I can take care of the injured that will no doubt come in eventually. Best to be prepared (Session 29)
Walking with the Enemy
At open Elysium, it turns out, the Sabbat attend. And I perhaps talk a little too much for my own good. In my defence, I didn't realize who they were, though they seem to know more about me than they are saying (Session 30)
Attempt on my life!
While I attended Church, ruffians attacked me and tried to kill me, and I fled in terror. They were probably Sabbat operatives as I may have said a little bit too much at Elysium (Session 30). I tried to find my way back home once I calmed down, but I was hopelessly lost. Finally, Isaac was able to save me and take me home. It was quite a fuss in the community and the Prince was very angry about security, and concerned about me! (Session 31)
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The auction house was selling a historic tiara which I just -had- to have. Cierra really came through for me. (Session 38)
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Gabriella and myself got kidnapped! (Session 39) Lindsey, Dwayne and Isaac rescued me (Session 40, Session 41, Session 42)

Chapter 4: Egypt

—————– Chapter 4
Amon will live
I had nightmares about “Amon” who will apparently live (Session 32). I dreamt of the desert and dancing and this strange message again later on (Session 33). I wonder what it means. I next dreamed about being on a beach, with ancient soldiers drinking blood from a bowl at a kindred party. I fled after a severed head was tossed into the party (Session 43). In Egypt, I was approached by a Shadow which said something in a language I did not understand but it mentioned Amon living… (Session 51) While visiting the Temple of Karnak, I had a vision about something that happened there (Session 54). We discussed some parts of it with Advisor Harwa, but his offer of help wasn't very helpful (Session 55). I told Merti and Amenia about my vision (Session 56). I completed my visions to Prince Menkheperre and Amenia who gave me a statue of Amon. What will become of this remains to be seen (Session 59).
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Marcus Gottschalk gave me the Gladius for Dwayne and use of his plane, but I owe him a big favour and I need to arrange for the Prince to agree to part of his plan. Also, the Prince needs to approve my trip (Session 45). The Prince would agree if I could convince Levi Wise. Levi Wise agreed once I agreed to do him a favour and the Prince honoured the deal. She also gave me permission to go to Egypt! (Session 46).
Escalating outfits
Nehbet arranged for us to meet a woman, Senepset as we'd learn later, to help us get clothes to wear in Egypt (Session 45). After meeting her in Cairo she took us to a women-only shopping center, where a complete disaster with an automatic staircase ripped my debutante gown (Session 48). Fortunately, the store - and various others - were able to provide me with a whole set of new outfits for my visit to Egypt (Session 49).
Cairo and Modern Egypt
We arrived in Cairo, and were taught the protocols to meet the Sultan (Session 47). Our presentation to the Sultan went well and we are allowed to stay in Cairo (Session 48), and I found a place to stay with the Keeper of Elysium for Cairo, Tayyib Masur. The Elysium in Cairo was actually the perfect place to gather information we need for the rest of our trip. I helped the wife of the keeper, Hala al-Nasira, find blood-dolls for the event (Session 49). I then attended the Elysium and found some contacts of Senepset there (Session 50) and gossiped and fed. The Elysium came to an end successfully (Session 51). After seeing the sights and preparing, we finally left Cairo to head to Luxor (Session 53).
Luxor and Ancient Egypt
The Prince of Luxor, we hear, honours Egyptian traditions and we ought to dress in the appropriate style (Session 49). We travelled to Luxor with a plan and I may have overacted a bit to try to get us a place to stay in the palace. I angered Princess Menti and now I'm stuck sleeping on the foot end of her bed… (Session 53). I've settled into the household of the prince reasonably well now though (Session 54). The prince was kind enough to get me some new outfits (Session 56), but I may have gotten a tad overconfident as Sitamun tried to serve me up to the Prince (Session 57). The Prince was kind enough not to harm me and instead made me pretend to be his first wife, much to the chagrin of Merti and Sitamun, who waited for an opportunity and attacked me in the baths, only to be punished by Amenia who protected me. I did get hurt though (Session 58). Feeling sorry for them, I freed Merti and she immediately attacked, feeding deeply upon me and tying me to the ceiling. Sitamun and her were sent to the dungeons by Amenia and the Prince kindly had some extra blood provided for me. We've left Luxor now, but I'll have to write Merti later, I'm sure she didn't mean that badly. (Session 59)
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On behalf of Levi Wise, I need to visit Israel and do a favour there (Session 46). We finally landed in Tel-Aviv and found a place to stay, including a presentation to the Prince. My relationship to my Sire did not go over well, but we were allowed to stay and I spoke to an engineer to attempt to fulfill the favour I owe. I did have some issues with blood so now I owe a new favour to Dahlia Moore who is in charge of the Blood Dolls (Session 62). Though it delayed our departure some, I did fulfill my favour to her by modelling some scandalous dresses on a 'cat-walk'. I think I did alright, and Elijah seems to be happy! (Session 63)
diplomacy.jpg Worldwide Etiquette
I brushed up on my etiquette especially internationally - hopefully this will help in Egypt (Session 47). At the Pyramids, a guide helped me with some insight about Egyptian court customs (Session 51). I got to use my new skills too though as we need somewhere to stay in Abu Simbel, and through Hala I managed to arrange the address of Sir Blakely, a British gentleman of clan Ventrue who may provide hospitality (Session 52). I also got to use them when I was sent to visit Faysal by Prince Menkheperre, as Faysal had offended the Prince by not wanting to share his wife! (Session 55) After leaving Luxor, Sir Blakely received us and kindly provided me with an opportunity to buy a débutante gown with his friend Elize before he presented us to the Prince of Abu Simbel, and I got to practice my social skills there with them (Session 59). With a lot of effort, I managed to use those skills to leave a good impression in Tel Aviv in the end (Session 63).
Go to Egypt for Cierra
Cierra wants us to go to Egypt to pick something up for her. (Session 44) I arranged air transport via Markus Gottschalk and managed to get some introductions arranged working with Dwayne via Nehbet (Session 45). We finally flew to Egypt and arrived in Cairo (Session 47). After a brief stay we continued to Luxor where we met Faysal, a reasonable man who arranged for some contacts for us in Sharm El Sheikh where would have to go to pick up our package (Session 55). After a detour past Abu Simbel and Alexandria to see the sites, we travelled to Sharm El Sheikh to pick up our package, and we were presented to the Prince there (Session 60). The package consists of ancient palimpsest scrolls. We managed to extract them from an intimidating room in Mount Sinai (Session 61) and out of the country (Session 62). After a brief detour to Tel-Aviv, we finally arrived in New York and handed over the chest with palimpsest scrolls to Cierra (Session 63). I sent a letter of thanks to Mr. Gottschalk as he wouldn't receive me for some reason (Session 64).

Chapter 5: Storm of Conflict

—————– Chapter 5
liberty.jpg Discrimination
Lindsey apparently has a thing against Nazi's and she's very vengeful about it. She said additional mean things to me, which really hurt my feelings (Session 62). I went to thank Mr. Gottschalk for loaning his plane and he was very angry for some reason, maybe Lindsey angered him somehow. I also tried to arrange an Elysium to bring everyone closer together, but Carol effectively said no… (Session 64). Dwayne and I tried to talk about culture, but were interrupted. Later at Elysium Marcus Gottschalk and I managed to get things figured out - some Jews put listening equipment on his plane, but he realized it wasn't my fault, luckily (Session 65). Dwayne finally took me to a Black Jazz-Club and we danced, I think we're getting a better understanding of each other (Session 66). I tried to give the cold shoulder to Lindsey, but she seems entirely clueless - she probably doesn't care about me at all (Session 67). I did it again at the Elysium. Maybe she'll get the message now (Session 68) Lindsey finally seems to have gotten the message at the next Elysium - she doesn't even care (Session 72)! Lindsey eventually apologized, but by then I was possessed by a demon, so I suppose whatever happened matters little for now (Session 74)
Scary Stuff
Something scary is going on in New York and I hid with Carol and Tamara. I have no idea what's going on (Session 64), but it is apparently some sort of attack on Mr. Woods. Another attack led bloody people into Carols masquerade event, it was quite scary! The Primogen were called in by the Prince to discuss the attacks (Session 69). Some Sabbat showed at Elysium, but I told them off (Session 72)!
First Aid
With the war heating up I had my first chance to help out and tended to Mr. Woods as a nurse - he seemed pretty hurt, though he was a lot better at the Elysium (Session 65). I decided to get a -proper- nurse outfit to help out. Tamara helped me look at modern outfits and I decided to make one myself (Session 69). I bought the necessary materials and got to work (Session 70). Incidentally I was able to help some wounded folks at the Crossroad Sanctuary too (Session 73).
Check in on Reverend Jonah
The Prince asked me to check in on Reverend Jonah. I went to visit and heard strange noises and the Reverend said he didn't need my help… (Session 69). I reported my findings but maybe I can find out more (Session 71). I checked in with the Reverend again with the aid of Markus - turns out there is a werewolf there. I informed the Prince of course (Session 73)!
A storm is raging through New York and I've been restricted from visiting the church (Session 70). Ballet lessons were hard to get to as well as the storm continues (Session 71) After some time, the storm finally died down, I hope everyone is okay (Session 74)

Chapter 6: Demonic Possession

—————– Chapter 6
Demonic Possession
While visiting Cierra to discuss the Palimpsest, a demon which previously inhabited a scientist took possession. I didn't notice at first as it seemed as if I was just experiencing nightmares (Session 74). The Demon caused all sorts of trouble, first going after Christine Metz (Session 79), but the main goal of the Palimpsest was not forgotten and it took copies made by a scribe (Session 82). The demon got Tamara kicked out of the Empire State Building to have the Prince all to herself (Session 83) wrapping her all around her finger, but others were on to it, and finally got it exorcised. I got seriously hurt in the process but at least its over now (Session 84).
Protect my Turf
While I was possessed, I invited Christine Metz to a private dance performance. She's stuck her nose in my turf long enough, its time to deal with her (Session 75). I've rented a dance hall for the 'performance' and gave a date and the address to her (Session 76). I set up some traps, but I'm not strong or big enough and got caught in my own trap (Session 77), but Dwayne, Lindsey and Marcus managed to set up the traps properly, so all looks set! (Session 78) Despite the proper setup though, the trap failed spectacularly and I barely got anything off on Christine, while she took me captive. My connection with the Prince saved me, but the trap failed due to betrayal by Marcus. The Prince did settle things with Christine though (Session 79)
A better look
The Demon didn't like my looks, so under its power, I went shopping to get some better clothes that don't look as… sweet. (Session 75). I also got the address of a woman named Karen Crawford who can help me get rid of some bodyhair (Session 76). The ritual finished successfully (Session 77). With earlier shopping sprees already bringing in some better outfits, I've continued to escalate with more serious outfits to look stronger and seduce the Prince (Session 83). With the demon exorcised though, I have no idea what to do with these new outfits… (Session 84).
The Tamara Problem
The demon considered Tamara a major problem, so while it controlled me, I tried to get her in trouble with Mr. Worthington and failed rather badly so I borrowed her credit card - whatever I buy will be purchased in her name (Session 75). I made some purchases and orders in her name and snuck the card back in her room (Session 76), and I confirmed the skunk order (Session 77). The skunk finally arrived and sprayed Tamara's room, leaving her quite distraught. Unfortunately, the Prince gave her a spot in her room, but I managed to put a stop to that. (Session 80). After some efforts, the Prince discovered the purchase was made with her own credit card and she kicked Tamara to the curb (Session 83).
IMAGE TODO Money makes the world go round
Controlled by the Demon, I spent some time with the prince and dropped hints that I need more money (Session 77). I got another chance to make the suggestion and this time I made a note I'd have more dresses to show off if I had more money to spend, which seemed to be getting a more positive vibe. I'll need to continue this line (Session 78). The prince was displeased after my failed plan with Christine, so I'll need to get something special to please her, and Cierra suggested Eurus might know more… (Session 80). Gabriella was kind enough to take me shopping and we slipped away from my guard to do so. Once I got back, Mr. Worthington was quite annoyed and I made sure he complained to the Prince. I was then able to leverage this by saying I just really needed new clothes, which the Prince seemed to acknowledge! (Session 81) I reminded the Prince I'll need stretchy outfits for contortions and yoga (Session 83) and the Prince finally relented and made additional funds available for clothing. The demon took immediate advantage by ordering a lot of new stuff. With the demon now gone I'm not sure what to do next… (Session 84)
red_leather.jpg Lashing out
Someone told Mr. Worthington about the demons plans. Marcus was also photographing people, trying to capture me on film during the Elysium. Suspicious, he is up to something, as is Tamara, so the demon kept an an eye out (Session 78). Marcus betrayed me against Christine Metz. The demon now sees him as an enemy, so it made I rat him out to Carol for not properly fulfilling his favour (Session 79). He actually expects me to act nice to him, but I gave him the cold shoulder (Session 80). I heckled Marcus when he presented a show in Elysium, and he attacked me by throwing his hat at me. Turns out the Keeper might not be entirely impartial (Session 82). Finally I, or rather the demon, got the prince to sent some people after him to deal with him, as the harpies handled his betrayal (Session 83)! Now, the demon has been exorcised (Session 84) and the harpies ruled Marcus still owes me a favour, but we're otherwise good. I think we can leave it at that (Session 85).

Chapter 7: Aftermath

—————– Chapter 7
I got seriously hurt while protecting Marcus after the demon was exorcised (Session 84), and I have had to take a lot of rest, first remaining in bed, then doing only very light observation activities and nothing too serious (Session 85). I seem to be doing a lot better now though I still have hidden bruises. I suppose it will have to do for now, I have obligations and I cannot stay in bed any longer (Session 86).
Winter Fashion
I learned scarves are the next thing for ballet classes (Session 74)! When the possession by the demon ended, I could not believe what I was wearing (Session 84). The demon has left me with a closet of strange clothes, but the Prince seems to like them a lot on me, so I've not told Emily to get rid of them yet (Session 85). I've not been able to find time to get something new to wear due to resting, so I was forced to wear one of the new dresses the demon got me to Elysium. At least I could cover up a bit with a scarf… And clothes the demon bought are still arriving in packages! I should probably get something new that will please the prince without making me look so… available (Session 86). While the demon was possessing me though, the rage has already ended and scrunchies are back. Luckily I already have those (Session 87). I finally bought some extra scarves to go with my outfits, but I am going to need something more as it is just too cold, I had to borrow a jacket and even a blanket (Session 88). Next I tried - and failed - to buy a fur coat (Session 89), but the Prince finally bought it for me for Christmas and I feel all warm (Session 91)!
I got really famished after my performance, but I've already fed too much on my herd. I looked around the Empire State Building but they couldn't really help me. The prince did suggest I ask Lindsey for help (Session 93), which she did, guiding me through finding some extra food at the Rotary (Session 94). I had to ask Lindseys help again, but I think I finally managed to find the blood I needed despite the nativity fast (Session 95).
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notes/elisabeth-maria_holstein_stories.1551988139.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/03/07 20:48 by Mercury