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Markus Chemnitz Possessions
Dagger (accuracy +1, damage strength +1, parry DV rating 3, jacket concealed)
Beretta M9 9mm (accuracy +1, damage 4, range 20, clip 17+1, rate of fire 4, pocket concealed)
Colt Double Eagle .45 ACP (damage 5, range 30, clip 7+1, rate 3, coat concealed)
M16A2 Assault Rifle (+1 accuracy, 7 damage, 150 range, 32+1 clip, rate of fire 3, 2 handed, full auto)
12 clips (17 bullets) for Beretta M9
12 clips (7 bullets) for Colt Double Eagle .45 ACP
5 clips for M16A2 Assault Rifle
Reinforced trenchcoat and matching jeans (adds one soak to armour) (hides dagger, Beretta M9, Colt Double Eagle .45 ACP)
Plain black suit (500 dollars) (hides dagger, Beretta M9)
NVA Greatcoat (hides dagger, Beretta M9,Colt Double Eagle .45 ACP)
Middling Tuxedo (400 dollars) (hides dagger, Beretta M9)
Kevlar vest (adds 3 soak to armour, gives 1 penalty to most dex)
Sporting gear (50 dollars)
Other Assets
Crafted: serviceable radio bug (1 success)
Crafted: small tape bug, 4 hours (3 successes)
Manhattan Shooting Range Membership Card, until November 5 1992. Associated with the Manhattan Firearms Association.
Leika camera and tools for black and white development
Small 2AAA Torchlight
Quest Items
Renaissance Italian coins
Green book
Pictures of number plate and pale white lady.
Two old flintlock pistols
Compromat on 2 politicians in New Jersey and copies of compromat of an official in the office of the Mayor of New York.
Investigate the repo yield: old books in Italian, antique sword cane, box containing Italian correspondence, box of old coins, box containing writings and a map of a church, plus antique furniture.
Blackmail guy: Vespasiano 'The Cat' Brookings
Forbes manages Marius's money.
Kiara has Marcus Chemnitz on retainer
notes/markus_chemnitz_possessions.1547491218.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/01/14 19:40 by roald