Five Boroughs

Dark nights in the Five Boroughs of the besieged New York City.

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Merits and Flaws Proposal

Put your proposed merits and flaws here.

The Closed Door (3-pt. flaw)

This flaw is supernatural or social, depending on the root cause.

The character cannot enter someone's home until he has been invited at least once—by someone that reasonably has the authority to invite you in. Public buildings do not require such invitation, but Houses of God (e.g., all churches, temples, monastries, etc.) count as homes. Note that havens are also homes.

Conduit (1-pt. merit)

This merit is supernatural in nature.

You are a conduit for the supernatural, especially creatures like ghosts or wraiths. Though you cannot see them, you can sense them if they are near. If you relax you can allow such spirits to take possession of your body. You cannot select the entity that will possess you—it immediately becomes Obvious to all nearby spirits that you can act as a conduit. The possession can end “naturally”, or you can spend 1 Willpower to end it.

While possessed, the possessing spirit has full control over your actions and perceptions. Not all spirits are competent or powerful enough to realize this control, yet some might be powerful enough to give back partial or temporary control, subtly alter perceptions, or very rarely employ your supernatural abilities. If your mind is left isolated during possession, you experience full amnesia about what your body did while possessed. Your mind will sometimes rationalize a narrative that makes sense to you, such as that you fainted or fell asleep and dreamed, especially if you did not expect to be possessed.

Stronger spirits, such as demons, which are naturally capable of possessing people are always aware that you are a conduit and may posses you without invitation at no cost to them. Ending an involuntary possession costs 2 Willpower. Being possessed, voluntary or not, is an intensive activity, and might wear you out depending on your Humanity.

Fey Alure (1-pt. merit)

This merit is supernatural in nature.

The Fey, for some reason, consider you to be part of their world and react more friendly than they normally would.

Normally skittish fairies will not consider you a threat and are more likely to show themselves, dangerous fairies will not see you as proper prey and will avoid causing serious harm (though they probably will not leave you entirely unmolested if you encroach on their territory) while powerful fey may look at you as a cute pet and decide to keep you around for a while until they grow bored.

Even if they consider you as part of their realm, the Fey are fickle creatures, especially if they believe you have ill intentions.

notes/merits_and_flaws_proposals.1519060750.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/02/19 18:19 by Brend