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Dark nights in the Five Boroughs of the besieged New York City.

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notes:true_faith_proposal [2017/03/20 13:03]
Mercury ['Learning' True Faith]
notes:true_faith_proposal [2018/11/28 16:15] (current)
freekjan [Intercession]
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 In general, Divine Missions should be granted if the character acted as if they were an agent sent by their God to help humanity, and they became closer to their God through their actions. Whether they accomplished this through brilliant problem solving, extreme skill or raw perseverance doesn'​t matter. In general, Divine Missions should be granted if the character acted as if they were an agent sent by their God to help humanity, and they became closer to their God through their actions. Whether they accomplished this through brilliant problem solving, extreme skill or raw perseverance doesn'​t matter.
-===== Powers ​=====+===== Gifts =====
 The powers of True Faith, as well as the exact order in which they can be acquired, depend on the religion of the true believer. The powers presented on this page, by contrast, are aimed at the Christian religion. ​ The powers of True Faith, as well as the exact order in which they can be acquired, depend on the religion of the true believer. The powers presented on this page, by contrast, are aimed at the Christian religion. ​
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 <WRAP round> <WRAP round>
-| ||  **True ​Believer** \\ ()  | ||+| ||  **True ​Faith** \\ ()  | ||
 | ::: ||  ↓  | ::: || | ::: ||  ↓  | ::: ||
 |  **Intercession** \\ ()  |  ←  |  **Numinous Revelation** \\ ()  |  →  |  **Illumination** \\ ()  | |  **Intercession** \\ ()  |  ←  |  **Numinous Revelation** \\ ()  |  →  |  **Illumination** \\ ()  |
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 </​WRAP>​ </​WRAP>​
-==== True Believer ​====+==== True Faith ====
-^ Precursor ​ | -  ^ Prerequisites ​ | Occult 1, Humanity 8  | +^ Precursor ​ | -  ^ Prerequisites ​ | Special, Humanity 8  | 
-^ Keywords ​ | Passive (( **Passive keyword:** There is currently no '​passive'​ keyword listed in the rules. In the powers below, when this keyword is used, it indicates the power is passively present. It need not (and cannot) be activated or deactivated. Once you acquire the power, the effect granted by the power is permanently active. ))  | ||+^ Keywords ​ |  | ||
 The true believers religion has become so engrained in their being that it becomes part of their nature, and going against the core tenets of their belief system becomes a fate worse than death – literally in some religions. The true believers religion has become so engrained in their being that it becomes part of their nature, and going against the core tenets of their belief system becomes a fate worse than death – literally in some religions.
-**System:** Any mental influences that defy the core tenets of the possessor'​s faith become [[http://​​five-boroughs/​tools/​book/disciplines.html#​unacceptable-orders|Unacceptable Orders]]. Note that this only applies to core tenets – those that are held most sacred. This power does not make the user immune to everything which the faith may disagree with. +**System:** Any mental influences that defy the core tenets of the possessor'​s faith become [[book>disciplines.html#​unacceptable-orders|Unacceptable Orders]]. Note that this only applies to core tenets – those that are held most sacred. This power does not make the user immune to everything which the faith may disagree with. 
 For example, a Christian might still be ordered to wear clothing of two different fabrics (despite this theoretically going against instructions in the bible), but they could not be commanded to murder someone (as this would go against the ten commandments). For example, a Christian might still be ordered to wear clothing of two different fabrics (despite this theoretically going against instructions in the bible), but they could not be commanded to murder someone (as this would go against the ten commandments).
 +Note that this gift is the same for every religion, with the exception of the prerequisites.
 +**Special:​** To qualify for this gift, the character must have true belief. That is, the character must belief and adhere to the world-view of the religion. This should most likely be discussed out of character beforehand.
 ==== Numinous Revelation ==== ==== Numinous Revelation ====
-^ Precursor ​ | True Believer ​ ^ Prerequisites ​ | Alertness ​2  | +^ Precursor ​ | True Faith  ^ Prerequisites ​ | Occult ​2  | 
-^ Keywords ​ | Passive (( **Passive keyword:** There is currently no '​passive'​ keyword listed in the rules. In the powers below, when this keyword is used, it indicates the power is passively present. It need not (and cannot) be activated or deactivated. Once you acquire the power, the effect granted by the power is permanently active. )) | ||+^ Keywords ​ |  | ||
 The true believer gains the ability to feel holy or unholy energy through a numinous sense of awe or dread. This feeling is mostly subconscious,​ but allows you to know when you are interacting with such energies. The true believer gains the ability to feel holy or unholy energy through a numinous sense of awe or dread. This feeling is mostly subconscious,​ but allows you to know when you are interacting with such energies.
-**System:** When you interact with sources of holy (or unholy) energy, such as when holding the Spear of Destiny, when entering the lair of a Demon or when encountering the ghost of a Saint of your religion, you are able to identify that you are dealing with such a source, and whether or not it is good or evil. At the discretion of the Storyteller,​ this information may be gained either consciously or subconsciously.+**System:** When you interact with sources of holy (or unholy) energy, such as when holding the Spear of Destiny, when entering the lair of a Demon or when encountering the ghost of a Saint of your religion, you are able to identify that you are dealing with such a source, and whether or not it is holy or unholy. At the discretion of the Storyteller,​ this information may be gained either consciously or subconsciously.
 ==== Intercession ==== ==== Intercession ====
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 This power cannot be used on extended actions that go against the tenets of the true believers faith. This power cannot be used on extended actions that go against the tenets of the true believers faith.
 +> I think this power is a little on the mechanical kind. As written, it is basically "​prayer for difficulty reduction"​. —Brend
 +>> Since the intention of this power seems to be to assist someone, it should probably tie in to the current rules for assistance. —Freekjan
 ==== Illumination ==== ==== Illumination ====
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 ^ Precursor ​ | Numinous Revelation ​ ^ Prerequisites ​ | Medicine 2, Empathy 3  | ^ Precursor ​ | Numinous Revelation ​ ^ Prerequisites ​ | Medicine 2, Empathy 3  |
-^ Keywords ​ | Stigmata (( **Stigmata keyword:** Using this power potentially causes the user to suffer from stigmata bleeding (see text). The details of stigmata differs between users, usually taking the form of bleeding from the eyes, hands, feet, brow or side. This bleeding causes unsoakable aggravated damage as specified by the power. Often certain conditions apply until the aggravated damage has been healed. A user with the Martyr nature and/or Demeanour cannot regain willpower from using this power by itself. ))  ​^ Cost | 0-1 AHL |+^ Keywords ​ |   ​^ Cost | [1ahl] ​|
 By praying with the sick or injured, the true believer can reduce the time they need to heal their injuries or illness. Those using this power often experience pains and discomforts similar to the one they are praying for. By praying with the sick or injured, the true believer can reduce the time they need to heal their injuries or illness. Those using this power often experience pains and discomforts similar to the one they are praying for.
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 Any time spent by the user in prayer will count towards the time of recovering, potentially cutting the time necessary to heal in half. Any time spent by the user in prayer will count towards the time of recovering, potentially cutting the time necessary to heal in half.
-When using this power, the true believer may choose to suffer 1 level of aggravated damage in the form of stigmata bleeding. If they do, the recovery time is reduced by ten times the time spent in prayer instead, but they suffer the symptoms of the affliction of the victim until these levels of damage have been healed. Note that since only symptoms are expressed, they will not be contagious. No physical alterations (beyond the Stigmata) take place, but the true believer will be disabled or have pain and limited mobility as the victim does at the time the power is activated, until the aggravated damage is healed. +When using this power, the true believer may choose to suffer 1 level of unsoakable ​aggravated damage in the form of stigmata bleeding. If they do, the recovery time is reduced by ten times the time spent in prayer instead, but they suffer the symptoms of the affliction of the victim until these levels of damage have been healed. Note that since only symptoms are expressed, they will not be contagious. No physical alterations (beyond the Stigmata) take place, but the true believer will be disabled or have pain and limited mobility as the victim does at the time the power is activated, until the aggravated damage is healed.
 +A user with the Martyr nature and/or Demeanour cannot regain willpower from using this power by itself.
 ==== Prayer ==== ==== Prayer ====
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 ^ Precursor ​ | Prayer ​ ^ Prerequisites ​ | Occult 5  | ^ Precursor ​ | Prayer ​ ^ Prerequisites ​ | Occult 5  |
-^ Keywords ​ | -  ^ Cost | Sometimes 1 WP  |+^ Keywords ​ | -  ^ Cost | [1wp]  |
 The true believer gains the ability to break the hold that a supernatural evil has over a host. For example, this power can be used to force a Wraith or a Demon to release its hold on a mortal it is possessing or end the effect of powers like Subsume the Beast. The true believer gains the ability to break the hold that a supernatural evil has over a host. For example, this power can be used to force a Wraith or a Demon to release its hold on a mortal it is possessing or end the effect of powers like Subsume the Beast.
notes/true_faith_proposal.1490011431.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/20 13:03 by Mercury