Five Boroughs

Dark nights in the Five Boroughs of the besieged New York City.

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Table of Contents



  • box (type hint: 'tN', 'gN', or both)
    Shows numbers as a string of boxes. The type hint is used to add a track size (as 'tN') and group size (as 'gN'). (numeric)
  • date (type hint: different date format)
    Stores and displays dates in the YYYY-MM-DD format. The optional hint can give a different format to use. (numeric)
  • dot (type hint: 'tN', 'gN', or both)
    Shows numbers as a string of dots. The type hint is used to add a track size (as 'tN') and group size (as 'gN'). (numeric)
  • ic
    Links to the respective In Character page. The hint is ignored.
  • icdate
    Stores and displays IC dates in the DD MMMM SSSS YYYY format. (numeric)
  • image (type hint: size to scale the image to)
    Displays an image. The optional hint is treated as the size to scale the image to. Give the hint in WIDTHxHEIGHT format.
  • imagelink (type hint: 'normal', 'icon', a number between 16 and 300, or 'full'. Defaults to 'normal'.)
    Displays the 'Image' field of the reference as a link, the second hint is the default image, the third hint is the preferred key to use over 'Image.'
  • link (type hint: The link title)
    Creates a link. This type is multi-purpose: it handles external links, interwiki links, email addresses, windows shares and normal wiki links (basically any link DokuWiki knows of). The optional hint will be used as link title.
  • page (type hint: namespace)
    Links to a wiki page. The optional hint is treated as namespace for the link. If the hint ends with a #, all values will be treated as fragments.
  • ref (type hint: namespace)
    References another piece of data or wiki page, and creates a link. The optional hint is used as namespace for the link. If the hint ends with a #, all values will be treated as fragments.
  • relativedate
    Displays time difference relative to the current time. When used as input type, it understands relative times like 'now +7 days'. (numeric)
  • rule
    Links to the respective rules page. The hint is ignored.
  • tag
    Links to the respective tags page. The hint is ignored.
  • text
    Verbatim text. Does not format, ignores hint.
  • wiki
    Allows the use of dokuwiki syntax; only non-block syntax is allowed (only links, formatting, etc.; no tables, headers, and other large stuff). The hint is ignored.


  • count
    Counts the number of items.
  • first
    Selects only the first element.
  • last
    Selects only the last element.
  • max (aggregate hint: 'strict' to ignore non-numeric values)
    Returns the maximum value. Any item that does not have a clear numeric value (i.e. starts with a number) is counted as 0. If the 'strict' hint is used, values that are not strictly numeric (i.e. contains only a number) are ignored. (numeric)
  • min (aggregate hint: 'strict' to ignore non-numeric values)
    Returns the minimum value. Any item that does not have a clear numeric value (i.e. starts with a number) is counted as 0. If the 'strict' hint is used, values that are not strictly numeric (i.e. contains only a number) are ignored. (numeric)
  • sum (aggregate hint: 'strict' to leave non-numeric values)
    Sums up all items. Any item that does not have a clear numeric value (i.e. starts with a number) is counted as 0. If the 'strict' hint is used, values that are not strictly numeric (i.e. contains only a number) are left intact. (numeric)
  • unique
    Removes all duplicates.
playground/playground.1480263582.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/11/27 17:19 by Brend