Five Boroughs

Dark nights in the Five Boroughs of the besieged New York City.

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rules:training [2018/11/19 18:35]
rules:training [2019/01/07 23:29] (current)
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 The training rules describe how players can improve their characters over time. The training rules describe how players can improve their characters over time.
-Note that the training rules are an abstraction:​ while players explicitly state that their character is training, the characters need not necessarily be aware that they are "​training"​. This means that some characters actively seek out training ​and trainers, whereas others might pick up skills by doing them. In both cases, the player of the character explicitly declares that their character is training, but their character might not experience it as such.+Note that the training rules are an abstraction:​ while players explicitly state that their character is training, the characters need not necessarily be aware that they are "​training"​. This means that some characters actively seek out training, whereas others might pick up skills by doing them. In both cases, the player of the character explicitly declares that their character is training, but their character might not experience it as such.
 **Quick overview:** **Quick overview:**
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   - When there are no more days left, you spend the noted experience and increase the trait.   - When there are no more days left, you spend the noted experience and increase the trait.
   - You can have multiple training tracks open, and can train for several of them in one night.   - You can have multiple training tracks open, and can train for several of them in one night.
 === Training requirements === === Training requirements ===
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 === Trainers === === Trainers ===
-Oftentimes, a trainer can assist the character with their training by supporting them, giving them insights, or even direct lessons. ​Some types of training require a trainer, while others do not.+Some types of training require a trainer ​to instruct the character. This requirement is always explicitly listed with the training.
-Note that a trainer is usually a person, but that is not necessarily the case. Sometimes a trainer can be replaced by another source of insights, a scroll of ancient knowledge written by a vampire eons ago, or even mystical insights achieved during lengthy months of meditation. ​Substituting ​some other source of insights for an actual ​trainer ​works for most traits except Attributes and AbilitiesPlayer ​characters can be trainers, provided that they qualify for the trainer requirements.+Note that a trainer is usually a person, but that is not necessarily the case. Sometimes a trainer can be replaced by another source of insights, a scroll of ancient knowledge written by a vampire eons ago, or even mystical insights achieved during lengthy months of meditation. ​To replace a trainer by some other source of insight, consult with the storyteller. 
 +Anyone meeting the trainer qualifications as described in by the training type can perform the role of trainer. ​As such, player ​characters can be trainers, provided that they qualify for the trainer requirements.
-Anyone meeting the trainer qualifications as described in by the training type can perform the role of trainer. 
 ===== Training Types ===== ===== Training Types =====
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 ==== Attributes ==== ==== Attributes ====
-Attributes can be raised up to and including 5. Trainer not required.+Attributes can be raised up to and including 5.
 **Training time:** (New Rating) weeks = (2 → 14 days, 3 → 21 days, 4 → 28 days, 5 → 35 days) **Training time:** (New Rating) weeks = (2 → 14 days, 3 → 21 days, 4 → 28 days, 5 → 35 days)
 **Experience cost:** 12xp **Experience cost:** 12xp
-**Trainer (×2):** Each day spend training with a trainer counts as two days towards training time.\\ 
-**Trainer qualification:​** Attribute rated at New Rating or better 
 </​block>​ </​block>​
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 ==== Abilities ==== ==== Abilities ====
-Abilities can be raised up to and including 5. Depending on whether the ability is a talent, skill, or knowledge, special requirements are in place.+Abilities can be raised up to and including 5. Depending on whether the ability is a talent, skill, or knowledge, special requirements are in place:
   * **Talents** (Alertness, Athletics, Brawl, Dodge, Empathy, Expression, Intimidation,​ Leadership, Streetwise, Subterfuge)\\ No additional requirements.   * **Talents** (Alertness, Athletics, Brawl, Dodge, Empathy, Expression, Intimidation,​ Leadership, Streetwise, Subterfuge)\\ No additional requirements.
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 ---- ----
-**Trainer (×2):** Each day spend training with a trainer ​counts as two days towards ​training ​time.\\+**Trainer (required for Skills at 4 and 5):** trainer ​is required for training ​skills to ratings 4 and 5.\\
 **Trainer qualification:​** Ability rated at New Rating or better. **Trainer qualification:​** Ability rated at New Rating or better.
 </​block>​ </​block>​
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 [[book>​advanced-training.html|Advanced Training]] can be raised up to and including 3, and requires a trainer. [[book>​advanced-training.html|Advanced Training]] can be raised up to and including 3, and requires a trainer.
-**Training time:** (NR × 2) weeks = (1 → 14 days, 2 → 28 days, 3 → 42 days)+**Training time:** (New Rating ​× 2) weeks = (1 → 14 days, 2 → 28 days, 3 → 42 days)
 **Experience cost (new):** 12xp\\ **Experience cost (new):** 12xp\\
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 **Experience cost (new)**: 3xp\\ **Experience cost (new)**: 3xp\\
 **Experience cost (raise):** (Current Rating × 2) xp = (2 → 2xp, 3 → 4xp, 4 → 6xp, 5 → 8xp) **Experience cost (raise):** (Current Rating × 2) xp = (2 → 2xp, 3 → 4xp, 4 → 6xp, 5 → 8xp)
-Note that the Generation background is a special case. 
 </​block>​ </​block>​
rules/training.1542648941.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/11/19 18:35 by Brend