====== Paragon ====== [ [[ic:#Locaties & Groepen]] ] Description [wiki]: Paragon is a city on the coast of the south, ruled by the mortal [[Perfect of Paragon]] Style: City state Magnitude [dot]: Population: ? Power Center [ref]*: Perfect of Paragon Capital [ref]: Relevance: 2 Paragon is a city located at the confluence of two small rivers amid verdant almond and olive groves. The city consists of eight rectangular 'circuits,' expanding out north and south from the perfectly square inner city and separated by stone walls as tall as they are thick. The inner three of these circuits are the heart of the city and where people live, while the five outer circuits act as a defense against attackers. The [[perfect of paragon]] rules over Paragon by using the Scepter of Peace and Order to mark all those within his domain. ===== Constituent Locations ===== The following list contains notable constituent locations of the [[]]: ?p Region [ref]: [[]] ?p Description [wiki]: ?d sort{ ?p } ===== Notable Members ===== The following list contains notable members of the [[]]: ?p Affiliation [ref]: [[]] ?p Description [wiki]: ?d sort{ ?p }