Knights of Igani

[ Locaties & Groepen ]

Knights of Igani (faction)
DescriptionKnightly order based in the Igani
StyleKnightly Order
Power CenterSelim al-Najib

The Knights of Igani are a knightly order based in the Igani. It forms the core of the Igani sultanic guard.

Most members are of noble blood and are affiliatied with one of the noble houses in the Igani. Each member has sworn an oath of fealty to the sultan. Members of the order usually hold positions of authority and wield considerable military influence. At least eight members are assigned directly to the protection of the sultan and his family.

Altough most members of the order are male, a few of the knights are females wearing grey. This fact has caused some friction within the order, but these frictions have never affected the orders outward appearance.

Notable Members

The following list contains notable members of the Knights of Igani: