====== Clairmont Uprising ====== After the Lord Emperor and his three wives left an invasion by the [[Theocracy]] unchallenged, forcing [[Wendele Selu Helevorn-Sedis]] to step up and defend the country and [[House Helevorn]] lands, as well as retalliate against the superpower unaided by imperial forces. Having completed this successfully, Wendele raised issue with the Imperial family, accusing them of mismanaging the country and leaving it open to foreign invasion, thereby failing in their task as legitimate rulers. Meanwhile, Wendele managed to find cooperation with [[Edana Montfort]] one of three rightful heirs to the throne of [[Montfort]], gather up the [[Elven Regalia]] and use them to lay a claim on the throne of [[Varna]] for her family while working to convince the original Fey rulers of [[Vandelia]] to back her bodyguard [[Lilima Lyevala]] as potential heir to the [[Vandelia]] throne. Based on these claims, and her complaint against the imperial family, a conflict arose with House Helevorn and its various allies which Wendele escalated into the Clairmont Uprising. The conflict came to a peak in parallel with a peak in conflicts between the Gods, and ended after a siege of the capital city in which House Helevorn took control of the imperial palace. With the death of the former Lord Emperor, the House Helevorn patriarch was crowned emperor and the uprising was ended.