====== Character Sheet: Edana Montfort ====== // Not yet finished, not yet approved // ^ Name | Edana Montfort | ^ Race | [[ic:Faerie Godmother]] | ^ Gender | Female | ^ Alignment | Neutral Neutral Good | ===== Description ===== « See other page » ===== Classes and Level ===== ^Slot 1 | Druid 6 | ^Slot 2 | Rogue 6 | ===== Ability Scores ===== ^ Strength | **12((12 base))** | +1 | ^ Dexterity | **16((14 base +2 race))** | +3 | ^ Constitution | **11((11 base))** | +0 | ^ Intelligence | **12((12 base))** | +1 | ^ Wisdom | **17((16 base, +1 lvl 4))** | +3 | ^ Charisma | **14((14 base))** | +2 | ==== Gestalt punten ==== left to spend: 12 (12) ===== Combat Abilities ===== ^ Hit Points | 33(( (8+5+5+5+5+5) )) ||| ^ Armour Class | 13((10 base, +3 dexterity)) ||| ^ Touch Armour Class | 13((10 base, +3 dexterity)) ||| ^ Flat-Footed Armour Class | 10((10 base)) ||| | |||| ^ Initiative | +3 ||| ^ Fortitude Save | +5 ((+5 (high for Druid) + 0 con)) ((+4 vs fey and plant spells/powers)) ||| ^ Reflex Save | +8 ((+5 (high for Rogue) + 3 dex)) ((+4 vs fey and plant spells/powers)) ||| ^ Will Save | +8 ((+5 (high for Druid) + 3 wis)) ((+4 vs fey and plant spells/powers)) ||| ^ Combat Manoeuvre Bonus | +5 ((+4 BAB, + 1 str )) ||| ^ Combat Manoeuvre Defence | 18 ((10 + 4 BAB + 1 str + 3 dex)) ||| ^ Base Attack Bonus | +4 ||| ===== Skills ===== ^ Skill ^ Bonus ^ Ranks ^ Details ^ | Acrobatics | +3 | 0 | (( +3 Dexterity, -? ACP )) | | Appraise | +1 | 0 | (( +1 Intelligence )) | | Bluff | +6 | 1 | (( +2 Charisma, +3 Class Skill )) | | Climb | +1 | 0 | (( +1 Strength, -? ACP)) | | Craft | +1 | 0 | (( +1 Intelligence)) | | Diplomacy | +11 | 6 | (( +2 Charisma, +3 Class Skill )) | | Disable Device | +7 | 1 | (( +3 Dexterity, +3 Class Skill, -? ACP )) | | Disguise | +2 | 0 | (( +2 Charisma )) | | Escape Artist | +3 | 0 | (( +3 Dexterity, -? ACP )) | | Fly | +7 | 1 | (( +3 Dexterity, +3 Class Skill, -? ACP )) | | Handle Animal | +13 | 6 | (( +2 Charisma, +3 Class Skill, +2 Animal Affinity )) | | Heal | +12 | 6 | (( +3 Wisdom, +3 Class Skill )) | | Intimidate | +6 | 1 | (( +2 Charisma, +3 Class Skill )) | | Knowledge: Arcana | +1 | 0 | (( +1 Intelligence )) | | Knowledge: Dungeoneering | +5 | 1 | (( +1 Intelligence, +3 Class Skill )) | | Knowledge: Engineering | +1 | 0 | (( +1 Intelligence )) | | Knowledge: Geography | +5 | 1 | (( +1 Intelligence, +3 Class Skill )) | | Knowledge: History | +1 | 0 | (( +1 Intelligence )) | | Knowledge: Local | +1 | 0 | (( +1 Intelligence )) | | Knowledge: Nature | +12 | 6 | (( +1 Intelligence, +3 Class Skill, +2 Nature Sense )) | | Knowledge: Nobility | +2 | 1 | (( +1 Intelligence )) | | Knowlegde: Planes | +1 | 0 | (( +1 Intelligence )) | | Knowledge: Psionics | +1 | 0 | (( +1 Intelligence )) | | Knowledge: Religion | +1 | 0 | (( +1 Intelligence )) | | Linguistics | +5 | 1 | (( +1 Intelligence, +3 Class Skill )) | | Perception | +12 | 6 | (( +3 Wisdom, +3 Class Skill )) | | Perform: Dance | +11 | 6 | (( +2 Charisma, +3 Class Skill )) | | Perform | +2 | 0 | (( +2 Charisma )) | | Profession: Herbalist | +12 | 6 | (( +3 Wisdom, +3 Class Skill )) | | Profession | +3 | 0 | (( +3 Wisdom )) | | Ride | +9 | 1 | (( +3 Dexterity, +3 Class Skill, +2 Animal Affinity, -? ACP )) | | Sense Motive | +7 | 1 | (( +3 Wisdom, +3 Class Skill )) | | Sleight of Hands | +7 | 1 | (( +3 Dexterity, +3 Class Skill, -? ACP )) | | Spellcraft | +5 | 1 | (( +1 Intelligence, +3 Class Skill )) | | Stealth | +12 | 6 | (( +3 Dexterity, +3 Class Skill )) | | Survival | +14 | 6 | (( +3 Wisdom, +3 Class Skill, +2 Nature Sense )) | | Swim | +1 | 0 | (( +1 Strength, -? ACP )) | | Use Magic Device | +2 | 0 | (( +2 Charisma )) | //Class Skills:// Acrobatics, Appraise, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Handle Animal, Heal, Intimidate, Knowledge (Dungeoneering), Knowledge (Geography), Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (Nature), Linguistics, Perception, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spellcraft, Stealth, Survival, Swim, Use Magic Device //Favoured Class done// ===== Feats ===== * Animal Affinity (( Level 3 )) * Augment Summoning (( Human )) * Natural Spell (( Level 5 )) * Spell Focus (Conjuration) (( Level 1 )) ===== Miscellaneous ===== ==== Movement & Lifting ==== ^ Walk | 30 ft ((30 base)) | ^ Light Load | 43 lbs | ^ Medium Load | 86 lbs | ^ Heavy Load | 130 lbs | ^ Lift | 130 over head, 260 lift off ground| ^ Drag | 650 lbs | ==== Languages ==== * Elven * Human * Sylvan * Druidic (( Druid )) * Genko (( Linguistics 1 )) * [Celestial] (( Guileful Polyglot )) * [Draconic] (( Guileful Polyglot )) * [Undercommon] (( Guileful Polyglot )) * [] (( Guileful Polyglot )) [] languages still need to be learned ===== Special Abilities ===== ==== Racial ==== * None ==== Druid ==== * Nature Bond (Animal Companion) * Nature Sense * Orisons * Wild Empathy (1d20+8) * Woodland Stride * Trackless Step * Resist nature's lure * Wild shape (2/day) ==== Rogue ==== * Sneak Attack +3d6 * Trapfinding * Evasion * Fast Stealth (( Rogue 2 Talent )) * Trap Sense +2 * Uncanny Dodge * Resiliency (+6 temp hp when going to 0 or lower) (( Rogue 4 Talent )) * Guileful Polyglot (( Rogue 6 Talent )) ==== Magic Items ==== * None ===== Spellcasting ===== ^ Source ^ Caster Level ^ max. Spell Level | ^ Druid | 6 (per day 4, 4, 4, 3) | 3 | ===== Gestalt Items ===== * None ===== Exceptions ===== * None ===== Social Circle ===== * [[ic:Wendele Selu Helevorn-Sedis]] * [[ic:Lilima Lyevala]]