====== Character Sheet: Shiina ====== ^ Name | [[ic:Shiina]] | ^ Race | Human | ^ Gender | Female | ^ Alignment | Tainted Lawful Neutral | ===== Classes and Level ===== //Gestalt class track. Slots 1 en 2 zitten op hetzelfde gestalt level, reeksen van gelijke class worden samengevoegd en voorzien van noemer.// ^Slot 1| Cleric 6 | ^Slot 2| Wizard 6 | ===== Ability Scores ===== ^ Strength | **7((7))** | -2 | ^ Dexterity | **16((14 base, 2 gestalt))** |+3 | ^ Constitution | **14((14 base))** | +2 | ^ Intelligence | **20((16 base,2 racial,2 gestalt))** | +5 | ^ Wisdom | **16((15 base, 1 level 4))** | +3 | ^ Charisma | **12((12 base))** | +1 | ==== Gestalt punten ==== Left to spend 1 (12 total) * +2 int (4) * +2 dex (4) * +1 saves (1) * +1 AC (2) ===== Combat Abilities ===== ^ Hit Points | 51 ((10 first level, 7 subsequent levels, 6 toughness)) | ^ Armour Class | 15((10 base, 0 armor, 3 dex, 0 dodge,1 shield, 1 gestalt)) | ^ Flat-Footed Armour Class | 12((10 base, 0 armor, 1 shield, 1 gestalt)) | ^ Armour Class MA | 19((10 base, 4 armor, 3 dex, 0 dodge,1 shield, 1 gestalt))((Assumes mage armour is on)) | ^ Flat-Footed Armour Class MA | 16((10 base, 4 armor, 1 shield, assumes mage armour on, 1 gestalt)) | ^ Touch Armour Class | 14((10 base, 3 dex, 0 dodge, 1 gestalt)) | | || ^ Initiative | +5 ((3 Dex + 3 Forewarned)) | ^ Fortitude Save | +8 | ^ Reflex Save | +6 | ^ Will Save | +11 ((5 wisdom save, 3 ability, 2 iron will, 1 gestalt)) | | || ^ Base Attack Bonus | +4 | ^ Ranged Touch | +7 | | ^ Melee Touch | +2 | | ^ Scythe | +2 | 2d4-2, 20/x4| | || ^ CMB | +2 | ^ CMD | 16 | ===== Skills ===== ^ Skill ^ Bonus ^ Ranks ^ |Acrobatics |**3**|0| |Appraise |**14**((1 rank, 5 ability, 3 class, 3 familiar, 2 merchant's scale/magnifying glass ))|1| |Bluff |**1**|0| |Climb |**-2**|0| |Craft(Caligraphy) |**14**((4 rank, 5 ability, 3 class, 2 masterwork artisian's tool))|1| |Diplomacy|**5**|1| |Disable Device |**3**|0| |Disguise|**1**|0| |Escape Artist |**3**|0| |Fly |**7**|1| |Handle Animal|**0**|0| |Heal |**14**((6 ranks, 3 ability, 3 class, 2 healer's kit))|6| |Intimidate|**1**|0| |Knowledge (Arcana) |**14**|6| |Knowledge (Dungeoneering) |**9**|1| |Knowledge (Engineering) |**9**|1| |Knowledge (Geography) |**9**|1| |Knowledge (History) |**9**|1| |Knowledge (Local) |**0**|0| |Knowledge (Nature) |**9**|1| |Knowledge (Nobility) |**9**|1| |Knowledge (Planes) |**9**|1| |Knowledge (Psionics) |**9**|1| |Knowledge (Religion) |**14**|6| |Linguistics |**10**|2| |Perception |**11((6 ranks, 3 ability, 2 alertness, assumes familiar close))**|6| |Perform ()|**0**|0| |Profession |**0**|0| |Ride |**0**|0| |Sense Motive |**9((1 rank, 3 ability, 3 class, 2 alertness, assumes familiar close))**|1 | |Sleight of Hand|**2**|0| |Spellcraft |**14**|6| |Stealth |**2**|0| |Survival |**9**|6| |Swim |**-2**|0| |Use Magic Device|**0**|0| |Autohypnosis|**0**|0| |Primal Magic | **0**|0| ===== Wizard Feats ===== * Reach Spell ((Is APG feat, approved)) * Alertness ((When Familiar close)) * Iron Will ((Wizard level 1, in stead of Scribe Scroll)) ===== Feats ===== * Spell Penetration * Toughness * Combat Casting * Channel Grace * Blind Fight ((Darkness domain)) ===== Miscellaneous ===== ==== Movement & Lifting ==== ^ Walk | 30 ft | ^ Light Load | 23 lbs | ^ Medium Load | 46 lbs | ^ Heavy Load | 76 lbs | ^ Lift | 76 over head, 152 lift off ground| ^ Drag | 380lbs | ==== Languages ==== * Genko * Elven * Abyssal * Draconic * Sylvan * Celestial * Terran * (Free Slot) ===== Special Abilities ===== ==== Racial ==== * +2 int, * Skilled * Bonus Feat ==== Cleric==== * Aura (Lawful) * Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (4x per day) * Spontaneous Casting (Cure) * Domains (Chaos/Darkness) * Touch of Chaos (Sp) * Touch of Darkness (Sp) ==== Wizard ==== * Arcane Bond (Raven) * Arcane School (Divination) * Opposition Schools (Evocation/Enchantment) * Forewarned * Diviner's Fortune(Sp) ===== Spellcasting ===== ^ Source ^ Caster Level ^ Spell slots ^ DC ^ ^ [[#Divine (Cleric)]] | 5 | 4,4+1,4+1,3+1 | 13+ | ^ [[#Arcane (Wizard)]] | 5 | 4+1,5+1,4+1,3+1 | 15+ | Here +1 represents divination spells from school and domain spells for wizard,cleric respectively. ==== Spell list Arcane ==== === Spells Known (Spell books) === This lists the spells that have been gathered by Shiina and copied into multiple spell books at home. * Level 0: All * Level 1: All * Level 2: All * Level 3((There are 43 level 3 spells, this lists 21)): Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Slow, Ray of Exhaustion, Stinking Cloud, Tongues, Invisibility Sphere, Shrink Item, Secret Page, Dispel Magic, Fly, Arcane Sight, Protection from Energy, Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law,Explosive Runes, Sleet Storm, Tongues, Fireball, Magic Weapon Greater, Illusory Script, Blink, Keen Edge === Spellbook 1 === This lists all the spells put in the regular travelling backpack spellbook * Level 0: Detect Poison, Arcane mark ,Prestidigitation ,Resistance ,Open/Close ,Ghost Sound ,Message * Level 1: Comprehend Languages, Grease ,Color spray ,Mage Armor ,Silent Image ,Reduce Person ,Identify ,Color Spray ,Feather Fall ,Jump * Level 2: Detect Thoughts, Glitterdust ,Web ,Mirror Image ,Hypnotic pattern ,Levitate ,Rope Trick ,Locate Object ,Spider Climb ,Resist Energy ,Fog Cloud ,Bear’s Endurance ,Cat’s Grace ,Eagle’s Splendor ,Levitate ,Owl’s Wisdom ,Darkvision ,Make Whole * Level 3: Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Slow ,Ray of Exhaustion ,Stinking Cloud ,Invisibility Sphere ,Dispel magic ,Fly ,Arcane Sight ,Protection from Energy ,Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law,Explosive Runes ,Sleet Storm ,Tongues ,Fireball ,Magic Weapon Greater ,Blink ,Keen Edge === Spellbook 2 === This lists the spells that are put in the secondary backpack spellbook. * Level 0: Read Magic, Daze ,Acid Splash ,Bleed ,Touch of Fatigue ,Mage hand * Level 1: Alarm, Endure Elements ,Hold Portal ,Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law ,Shield ,Mount ,Obscuring mist ,Unseen Servant ,Detect Secret Doors ,Detect Undeed ,Charm person ,Hypnotism ,Floating Disk ,Burning Hands ,Shocking Grasp ,Disguise Self ,Magic Aura ,Ventriloquism ,Enlarge Person ,Expeditious Retreat ,Magic Weapon * Level 2: Whispering Wind, Obscure Object ,Resist Energy ,Protection from Arrows ,Summon Swarm ,Detect Thoughts ,See Invisibility ,Shatter ,Blur ,Magic Mouth ,Minor Immage ,Misdirection Phantom Trap ,Alter Self ,Knock ,Pyrotechnics ,Hideous Laughter ,Touch of Idiocy ,Flaming Sphere ,Gust of Wind ,Schorching Ray ,Continual Flame * Level 3: Shrink Item, Secret Page ,Illusory Script === Spells prepared combat === == Arcane == 0th (5): Detect Poison (divination), Arcane Mark, Prestidigation, Resistance, Open/Close 1th (6): Detect Secret Doors(divination), Grease, Color spray, Mage Armor, Jump, Protection from Evil 2nd (5): Detect Thoughts (divination), Glitterdust, Web, Mirror Image, Blur 3rd (4): Clairaudience/Clairvoyance(divination), Slow, Ray of Exhaustion, Dispel magic == Divine == 0th (4): Mending, Light, Detect Magic, Stabilize 1th (5): Obscuring Mist ((Domain)), Shield of Faith, Sanctuary, Magic Weapon, Command 2nd (5): Blindness/Deafness((Domain, only blindness)), Shield Other, Aid, Silence, Hold Person 3rd (4): Deeper Darkness ((Domain)), Prayer, Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic === Spells prepared utility === == Arcane == 0th (5): Detect Poison (divination), Arcane Mark, Prestidigation, Ghost Sound, Message 1th (6): Detect Secret Doors (divination), Reduce Person, Mage Armor, Jump, Protection From Evil, Unseen Servant 2nd (5): Detect Thoughts (divination), Make Whole, Spider Climb, Web, Fox's Cunning 3rd (4): Clairaudience/Clairvoyance(divination), Slow, Invisibility Sphere, Fly == Divine == 0th (4): Mending, Purify food and drink, Detect Magic, Create Water 1th (5): Obscuring Mist ((Domain)), Command, Sanctuary, Shield of Faith, Endure Elements 2nd (5): Blindness/Deafness((Domain, only blindness)), Silence, Zone of Truth, Calm Emotions, Bull's Strength 3rd (4): Deeper Darkness ((Domain)), Prayer, Bestow Curse, Dispel Magic ==== Items ==== ^ Equipment | Weight | Cost | ^ Spellbook | 3 | 15 ((Base cost for empty one, should be more for one full of spells?))| ^ Mithral Buckler | 2.5 | 1005 | ^ Mithral Scythe | 5 | 5018 | ^ Traveler's outfit | 5 | 1 | ^ Jewelry | 0 | 5000 | ^ Wooden Holy Symbol | 0 | 25 | ^ Spell component pouch | 2 | 5 | ^ Healer's Kit | 1 | 50 | ^ Magnifying Glass | 0 | 100 | ^ Scale, merchant's | 1 | 2 | ^ Masterwork Caligraphy Artisian's tools | -((5 weight stays at home)) | 55 | ^ Backpack | 2 | 2 | ^ Waterskin | 1 | 4 | ^ Small steel mirror | 0.5 | 10 | ^ Sum | 23 | 11258| == Second Backpack == ^ Equipment | Weight | Cost | ^ Backpack ((This section gets dropped when needing to climb or fight)) | 2 | 2 | ^ Second Spellbook | 3 | 15 ((Base cost for empty one, should be more for one full of spells?))| ^ Spyglass | 1 | 1000| ^ Sewing Needle | - | 0.5 | ^ Hourglass | 1 | 25 | ^ Small steel mirror ((Backup))| 0.5 | 10 | ^ Writing implements ((Vial of Ink, 5 paper sheets, inkpen)) | - | 10.1| ^ Flint and Steel | - | 2| ^ Rope, silk (50ft) | 5 | 10 | ^ Soap | 1 | 0.5 | ^ Bedroll | 5 | 0.1 | ^ Mystical Ceremony implements ((Incense candles, a skull, etc )) | 2 | 10 | ^ Makeup | 2 | 100 | ^ Sum | 22.5 | 1185| === Daerun-San please carry === ^ Equipment | Weight | Cost | ^ Tent | 20 | 10 | ^ Food | 5 | 5 | ^ Sum | 30 | 15| === Gestalt Items === ===== Social Circle ===== ===== Kari - Raven Familiar ===== === Ability Scores === ^ Strength | **2** | -4 | ^ Dexterity | **15** |+2 | ^ Constitution | **8** | -1 | ^ Intelligence | **8** | -1 | ^ Wisdom | **15** | +2 | ^ Charisma | **7)** | -2 | === Combat Abilities === ^ Hit Points | 25((Half of Shiina's)) | ^ Armour Class | 17 | ^ Flat-Footed Armour Class | 15 | ^ Touch Armour Class | 17 | ^ Speed | 10ft | ^ Fly (Average) | 40ft | | || ^ Initiative | +2 | ^ Fortitude Save | +4 | ^ Reflex Save | +4 | ^ Will Save | +7 | | || ^ Bite | +4 | 1d3-4 | ^ Melee Touch | +4 ((Has Finesse)) | | | || ^ CMB | +0 | ^ CMD | 6 | * Speaks Elven * Improved Evasion * Share Spells * Empathic Link * Deliver Touch Spells * Speak with Master * Low Light Vision ===== Wigins ===== [[ic:wigins]] ^ Name | [[ic:Wigins]] | ^ Race | Undead | ^ Gender | Male | ^ Alignment | Neutral Neutral Evil | ^ Level | 15 | ===== Ability Scores ===== ^ Strength | **31((31 base))** | +10 | ^ Dexterity | **11((9 base, 2 skeleton))** |+0 | ^ Constitution | **-((skeleton))** | | ^ Intelligence | **-((skeleton))** | | ^ Wisdom | **10((10 skeleton))** | +0 | ^ Charisma | **10((10 skeleton))** | +0 | ===== Combat Abilities ===== ^ Hit Points | 71 ((8 first level, 4.5 subsequent levels)) | ^ Armour Class | 21((10 base, 9 armor, 2 natural)) | ^ Flat-Footed Armour Class | 21((10 base, 9 armor, 2 natural)) | ^ Touch Armour Class | 10((10 base)) | | || ^ Initiative | +4 ((4 improved initiative)) | ^ Fortitude Save | +5 ((5 base)) | ^ Reflex Save | +5 ((5 base)) | ^ Will Save | +9 ((7 base, 2 skeleton)) | | || ^ Base Attack Bonus | +11 | ^ Morningstar | +21/+16/+11((BAB +11, Str +10, size -1, masterwork +1)) | 2d6+10, 20/x2 S| ^ Claw (x2) | +20/+20 ((BAB +11, Str +10, size -1)) | 1d6+10, 20/x2 | | || ^ CMB | 22 ((11 BAB, 10 Str, 1 size)) | ^ CMD | 32 ((10 base, 11 BAB, 10 Str, 1 size)) | ===== Skills ===== ^ Skill ^ Bonus ^ |Acrobatics |**-5**((-5 armour check penalty))))| |Appraise |**--**(())| |Bluff |**0**| |Climb |**+8((+10 str, +3 class, -5 armour check penalty))**| |Diplomacy|**0**| |Disable Device |**-5 ((-5 armour check penalty))**| |Disguise|**3 ((class))**| |Escape Artist |**-5 ((-5 armour check penalty))**| |Fly |**-2 ((-5 armour check penalty, 3 class))**| |Handle Animal|**0**| |Heal |**0**| |Intimidate|**3 ((3 class))**| |Linguistics |**--**| |Perception |**3 ((3 class))**| |Perform ()|**0**| |Profession |**0**| |Ride |**-5 ((-5 armour check penalty))**| |Sense Motive |**3 ((3 class))**| |Sleight of Hand|**-5 ((-5 armour check penalty))**| |Spellcraft |**--**| |Stealth |**-2 ((-5 armour check penalty, 3 class))**| |Survival |**0**| |Swim |**8((+10 str, +3 class, -5 armour check penalty))**| |Use Magic Device|**0**| ===== Feats ===== * Improved initiative ===== Miscellaneous ===== ==== Movement & Lifting ==== ^ Walk | 30 ((40ft, -10 ft armour))ft | ^ Light Load | 1224 lbs | ^ Medium Load | 2448 lbs | ^ Heavy Load | 3680 lbs | ^ Lift | 3680 over head, 7360 lift off ground| ^ Drag | 18400lbs | ==== Languages ==== ===== Special Abilities ===== ==== Undead ==== * Darkvision 60ft * DR 5/bludgeoning * Immunity to cold * Immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, morale effects, patterns, and phantasms). * Immunity to bleed, death effects, disease, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning. * Not subject to nonlethal damage, ability drain, or energy drain. Immune to damage to its physical ability scores (Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength), as well as to exhaustion and fatigue effects. * Cannot heal damage on its own if it has no Intelligence score, although it can be healed. Negative energy (such as an inflict spell) can heal undead creatures. * Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless). * Not at risk of death from massive damage, but is immediately destroyed when reduced to 0 hit points. * Undead do not breathe, eat, or sleep. ==== Cost ==== 375 Onyx, 700 masterwork greatsword, 33000 large adamantium full plate.