====== Character Sheet: Shunsin Hattori ====== ^ Name | Shunsin Hattori | ^ Race | Human | ^ Gender | Male | ^ Alignment | Honourable Lawful Evil | ^ XP | 77 250 / 115 000 | ===== Classes and Level ===== //Gestalt class track. Slots 1 en 2 zitten op hetzelfde gestalt level, reeksen van gelijke class worden samengevoegd en voorzien van noemer.// ^Slot 1| Rogue 8 | ^Slot 2| Sorcerer (Infernal) 8 | ===== Ability Scores ===== ^ Strength | **12((12))** | +1 | ^ Dexterity | **22((17 base, 1 level 4, 2 racial, 2 gestalt))** |+6 | ^ Constitution | **14((14 base))** | +2 | ^ Intelligence | **12((10 base,2 gestalt))** | +1 | ^ Wisdom | **10((10 base))** | 0 | ^ Charisma | **14((14 base))** | +3 | ==== Gestalt punten ==== left to spend: 2 (25) * +1 AC (2) * +1 Saves (1) * +2 dex (4) * +3 Primal Magic (3) * +2 int (4) * +1 armor ac (1) * +1 weapon bonus x2 (4) * See into the matrix (1) ==== Hero Points ==== 3 ===== Combat Abilities ===== ^ Hit Points | 67 | ^ Armour Class | 23((10 base, 5 armor, 6 dex, 1 dodge,1 deflection(gestalt) )) | ^ Flat-Footed Armour Class | 17((10 base, 5 armor,1 dodge, 1 deflection(gestalt) )) | ^ Touch Armour Class | 18((10 base, 6 dex, 1 dodge, 1 deflection(gestalt) )) | | || ^ Initiative | +6 | ^ Fortitude Save | +5 ((2 base, 2 con, 1 gestalt)) | ^ Reflex Save | +13 ((6 base, 6 dex, 1 gestalt))| ^ Will Save | +7 ((6 base, 1 gestalt)) | | || ^ Base Attack Bonus | +6/+1 | ^ ranged touch attack | +12 | ^ Nitaru (Non-lethal) | +13/+8/+5 | 2d6+2, 19-20/x2| ^ Nitaru (lethal) | +13/+8/+5 | 1d6+2, 19-20/x2| ^ Nitaru (haste+arcane) | +14/+9/+9/+6 | 1d6+4, 19-20/x2| | || ^ CMB | +7 | ^ CMD | 23 | ===== Skills ===== ^ Skill ^ Bonus ^ Ranks ^ |Acrobatics |**10**|1| |Appraise |**0**|0| |Bluff |**6**|1| |Climb |**7((1 rank, 1 ability, 3 class, 2 climber's kit))**|1| |Craft |**0**|0| |Diplomacy|**13**|8| |Disable Device |**22((8 ranks, 6 ability, 3 class, 3 trapfinding, 2 masterwork thieves tools))**|7| |Disguise|**14((7 ranks, 2 ability, 3 class, 2 disguise kit))**|7| |Escape Artist |**10**|1| |Fly |**10**|1| |Handle Animal|**0**|0| |Heal |**3((1 rank, healer kit))**|1| |Intimidate|**13**|8| |Knowledge (Arcana) |**10**|6| |Knowledge (Engineering) |**2**|1| |Knowledge (Local) |**5**|1((Heisei))| |Knowledge (Nobility) |**2**|1| |Knowledge (Planes) |**5**|1| |Knowledge (Religion) |**2**|1| |Linguistics |**9**|5| |Perception |**11 ((8 ranks, 3 class. An additional +3 if spotting traps from Trapfinding))**|7| |Perform (dance)|**6**|1| |Profession |**0**|0| |Ride |**7**|1| |Sense Motive |**4**|1| |Sleight of Hand|**10**|1| |Spellcraft |**12((6 ranks, 1 int, 3 class skill, 2 see into the amtrix))**|6| |Stealth |**16**|7| |Survival |**0**|0| |Swim |**5**|1| |Use Magic Device|**6**|1| |Primal Magic | **3**|3| |Concentration | **10((2 cha, 8 level))**|| ===== Rogue Feats ===== * Weapon Finesse * Bleeding Attack * Weapon Focus (shortswords) * Combat Trick ===== Feats ===== * Eschew Materials ((Sorcerer)) * Two Weapon Fighting (-2/-2) * Arcane Armor Training * Arcane Strike (+2) * Dodge * Skill Focus (Knowledge [Planes]) * Leadership * Improved Two Weapon Fighting ===== Miscellaneous ===== ==== Movement & Lifting ==== ^ Walk | 30 ft | ^ Light Load | 43 lbs | ^ Medium Load | 86 lbs | ^ Heavy Load | 130 lbs | ^ Lift | 130 over head, 260 lift off ground| ^ Drag | 650lbs | ==== Languages ==== * Genko * Elven * Infernal * Draconic * Zeshoeks * (slot left) * (slot left) ===== Special Abilities ===== ==== Racial ==== * +2 dex, * Skilled * Bonus Feat ==== Rogue ==== * Sneak attack (+4d6) * Trapfinding (+3) * Evasion * Trap Sense (+2) * Uncanny dodge ==== Sorcerer ==== * Eschew Materials * Infernal Bloodline Arcana * Corrupting touch * Infernal Resistance ===== Spellcasting ===== ^ Source ^ Caster Level ^ Spells Known ^ Spell slots ^ DC ^ ^ [[#Arcane (Sorcerer)]] | 8 | 8,5,3,2,1 | -,7,7,5,3 | 12+ | ==== Spell list ==== === Level 0 === * Detect Magic * Mage Hand * Prestidigation * Message * Detect Poison * Ray of Frost * Dancing Lights * Spark ((APG: 246)) === Level 1 === * Protection from Good ((Bloodline spell)) * Charm Person * Shield * Mount * Featherfall * Comprehend Languages === Level 2 === * Scorching ray ((Bloodline spell)) * Alter Self * Mirror Image * Invisibility === Level 3 === * Haste * Suggestion ((Bloodline Spell)) * Gaseous Form === Level 4 === * Dimension Door ==== Items ==== ^ Equipment | Weight | Cost | Personal/Mount | ^ Chain shirt (Mithral) | 13 | 5100 | P | ^ Nitaru Kotaru | 0 | | P | ^ Courtier outfit | 6 | 30 | P | ^ Waterskin | 4 | 1 | P | ^ Jewelry | 0 | 5000 | P | ^ 2x Pouch | 1 | 10 | P | ^ Disguise Kit(10) | 8 | 50 | P | ^ Thieves' Tools Masterwork | 2 | 100 | P | ^ Climber's Kit | 5 | 80 | P | ^ Healer's Kit | 1 | | P | ^ Whetstone | 1 | 1 | P | ^ Tent, 1 pers | 10 | 10 | M | ^ Bedroll | 5 | 1 | M | ^ Sum (P) | 41 | | | ^ Sum (M) | 26 | 41 | | This sums to a personal worn weight of 41 lbs, with 15 lbs in saddlebags. ===Gold === 1,236,499 === Gestalt Items === [[notes:nitaru_kotaru]] ===== Social Circle ===== * Mortancer Tsui * Wendele Selu Helevorn-Sedis